Forum:I mean really
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I must bid farewell for a bit. Ill be back soon. Ill check frequently for messages but will not edit much until things pick up here. Im bored. I got beat by leapday in the pickle. Thats disappointing. My chipmunk article wont be reveiwed. Things are dying out. When something happens.... tell me. The ducks... you guys fend for your selves for a bit. Id leave Dgneree in charge.... but he is dead. So..... ya. G'BYe, see you later--|Fonchezzz| Quacking|
22:23, 27 Arche 2008 (UTC)
- Sorry to hear your leaving, for you will be missed, we do need to find a way of pulling in more new users, we had a flood of one a day for about four weeks, then it went again :(, hope you do come back soon :D . --Silent PenguinLeave Me Alone 23:17, 27 Arche 2008 (UTC)
- Sorry to hear that. Have fun having a life (and tell us what the outside it like: is it true the people there have conical heads?) :P. Is this gonna mean we need usses a new lord of cum-ons-the-face? I mean, common people. I mean commons. --
08:27, 28 Arche 2008 (UTC)
- I want to search like common people
- I want to edit whatever common people see
- I want to talk with common people
- I want to wiki with common people like me 14:22, 28 Arche 2008 (UTC)
- Sorry to hear that. Have fun having a life (and tell us what the outside it like: is it true the people there have conical heads?) :P. Is this gonna mean we need usses a new lord of cum-ons-the-face? I mean, common people. I mean commons. --
April fools?--|Fonchezzz| Quacking|
21:22, 1 Arply 2008 (UTC)
- ¬_¬ 21:24, 1 Arply 2008 (UTC)
- Bit premature for an april fools day joke ¬_¬ --Silent PenguinLeave Me Alone 21:27, 1 Arply 2008 (UTC)