Forum:Illogical idea

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Flyingidiot has found a goldmine of fun nonsense.

Conspiracy theorists.

Observe, from someone's video of a bunch of ballons:

Thanks for this amazing post! i can`t believe some negative comments from some not so open ppl,just because they`ve been lied to,tricked,their whole life,i understand them in some way,i believe skeptisism is good! negative or personal attacks,show their narrow mind,ignorance & lack of capacity to reason/comprehend the truth! We`re not alone,never been, never will be,the truth,our DNA has been changed by some low vibrational beings in order to enslave us,this slavery`ll soon END! Love,Peace
~ youtube

There is yet more:

The sound of silence is a sub dimensional vibration waiting for you to hear. Listening to it with the inner ear will open your channels/chakras, and let the light transform your dna into crystal light filaments.
~ '
I have met the wife of a famous psychiatrist who lectures all over the world. She was a Dragon wearing human flesh. I could see right through her and she could see me. We didn't get along. So, yes, if there is smoke then there is fire. David Icke's material should be reviewed.
~ '

Simply google 'interdimensional beings'.

Flyingidiot thinks you should find more of this and make it into articles.

Perhaps ?pedia could have a series of partially-non-made-up articles on some of the weirder theories? --(ƒî)» 17:23, 8 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)

That's some truly weird stuff. Maybe we could start recruiting new users from YouTube? :P -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 22:14, 8 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
Hey, anything to get activity up. Why not get some wikipedia vandals too? --(ƒî)» 23:42, 8 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker Inter-dimensional beings would be travelers from another space-time continuum. This would probably include time travel.

In the world view, it has taken billions of years for man to get to the stage we are at now, however man only came on the scene a couple of hundred thousand years ago - and most of our scientific advances have come over the past 200 years. With all of that to chew on and the "fact" that it is theorized (by some non-scientific people) that man was "seeded" here on earth from somewhere else begs to ask the question of "where?". What does this all mean? Science can grow by leaps and bounds under the right conditions, science on the other side of the universe or in another dimension would be far beyond our comprehension.

If there were really inter dimensional beings they would normally operate on a level that would seem paranormal to us (shadows, dreams, disembodied voices etc) and could possibly influence decision making and scientific advances. <edit> inter dimensional beings could include bigfoot, loch ness monster, fairies, elves etc... so they might not have much to do with science to be able to confound rational thinking.<end edit>

In order to cross dimensions, you would have to find the right "knife" to open a rift (not so far fetched - we found the right "knife" to split an atom)

q: are online ouija boards real?

A: no there not nothing like that is real on the computer and i wouldn't use the real one at home either they open a portal that most people do not know how to close and that portal lets bad spirits in your home. also the "spirit" or " family member" you are talking to is not who they say they are there evil not good. contact a really medium! or get a digital cameras or voice recorder to communicate with them.

I'm afraid the only good place to get new users is *gasps* REAL LIFE. Instead of forming a paragraph to explain; I made a list.

  1. Easy advertising - You go up to a friend and find someway to bring up "a stupid wiki site" you go on. Enthuse them by leaving little hints at it's awesomeness. If it's a highly-competitive friend, bring up your IOTM award (because nearly every "regular" has one [and soon to be flyingidiot]) or your 5 features (in my case) and let them say, "I bet I can get better than you!" Whether they can or not is irrelevant.
  2. Easy collaborations - Instead of having to go through the hassle of trying to be on IRC at the same time; just call them and say, "Dude, what do you want to write about?" and go from there.
  3. Easy influence to edit - Call 'em up and say, "You should probably write an article."
  4. Easy teaching of coding - Instead of having to read those guides that tell you nothing important, you can explain it to them in person or something.
  5. Guaranteed vote - If you're up for IOTM or you have an article on VFF, you have a guaranteed vote while your friend is in his early stages of Illogicopedia. CROSSED OUT FOR ANTI-CORRUPTION PURPOSES
  6. Easy way to know potential - Instead of having some random guy on the Internet who you have no idea if they're funny or not editing, have someone that you have a rough estimate of how funneh they are.

Thank you and good night.

--T3 02:44, 11 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)

We have already learnt that real life doesn't care for our shenanigans, if ben's friends, and Blog: A Tearful Apathy from T3canolis are anything to go by. nuff said. Just do what i do, link people to teh funnies on msn and forums :D. ( fullstops give smilies warts D: ) --Silent Penguin 03:00, 11 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
teh funnels!! Testostereich(ballsack) 13:45, 16 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)