Fuck You Mr Bean
Mr Bean was just minding his own business when suddenly a cat fell down from the building above him. WAAAAAH! he cried and suddenly he was a baby. What the fuck? Fuck, now that's fun. Crazy fun. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room! A rubber room! A rubber room with rats! Rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room! A rubber room! A rubber room with rats! Rats make me crazy! Bad Spanish! ¿Loco? Estaba loco una vez...
Whomp whomp.
Anyway, back to Mr Bean. After crying out, he slipped on a banana peel, no a shit the cat had dropped. Fuck him. He cursed. The shit grew arms and legs and started dancing singing "Fuck Fuck Fuck! I'm an Ugly Shit! Fuck Fuck Fuck! Eat me Mister Bean!" The cat, meanwhile had found a trombone and was playing it to accompany the shit so verse 2 sounded like "Fuck {whomp} Fuck {whomp} Fuck {whomp}! Mister Bean eats shit {Pwaat}! Fuck {whomp} Fuck {whomp} Fuck {whomp}! Goddamn Mister Bean {whomp}!"
So while this was going on, not a soul had said shit. But Boom!
Boom boom aint it great to be bat.. Fuck!
Yes. Yes it is.
Now back to the story. Later that year (2001) a bunch of camel people flew into a building, no 2, and Mr Bean was in number one. So the airplane's nose went straight up Mister Bean's ass. He made a sound that sounded just like this: "Fuck Fuck Fuck! I'm a stupid fuck! Fuck Fuck Fuck! Why'd I go to work?" and died.
But later that day, they all lived happily ever after. Anyway, I was crazy once. They locked me in a room!A rubber room!... The author of this article has been taken back to his padded room in the Illogicopedia Mental Institute.