IllogiGames:Accountant's Quest/1/1/3

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Illogicopedian Public Terminal 1.0

> You begin brawling with the barflies. Chairs and bottles fly as they, conspiciously, attack you in a uniform line, allowing you to pick off one by one. The bar flies have a ENDURANCE of 8 each. Combat begins! Each round, you chip off an amount equal to what you roll, and from your energy so too does your opponent. Refresh this page, noting down and subtracting from both totals, until one of you falls over. Some abilities will modify the outcome of this battle; the ability or item in question should note down (and be noted down on your character sheet) this quality.

Use an online dice roller:

Muscle: {{#arg:muscle}}
Your dice (1d4+muscle) = Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".
Opponent's dice (1d4) = {{#rand:4}}
If you win, continue...