IllogiNews:Health and Safety Executive to publish guidelines for 'safe dabbing'

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17 FEBRUARY 2018ENGLAND The Health and Safety Executive is to publish guidelines on how to safely dab. The guidelines come after the occurrence of two serious work-based injuries caused as a result of dabbing. In summary, the guidelines are:

  • dab in an open area with nothing around you,
  • have explicit focus on the dab motion,
  • and do not dab in a moving vehicle.

These recommendations stemmed from the consequences of the two incidents; the first one being on the 16th July 2017, with 54-year-old lorry driver Clementis Aukalas. Aukalas performed a dab to his fellow lorry-driver on the M1 motorway, which caused him to lose control of his vehicle and caused a six-car pileup. The second incident occurred on the 9th December 2017, when 31-year-old train guard James Gibbons dabbed to the driver of an oncoming train. Performed on an InterCity 125 whilst travelling on the Dawlish Sea Wall, Gibbons had his arms sliced off by the incoming train. Both were dismissed from their jobs, and Aukalas was given a 12 month suspended sentence for careless driving.

Richard Judge, chief executive of the HSE, said that "these guidelines will make sure that these types of accidents will never again occur. We understand that dabbing is a load of fun, but that fun should not end in injury. We do not have control over what individual people do in their daily lives, but we can while they are at work."

The above two incidents are not isolated. Since 2015, around 752 incidents have occurred due to careless dabbing -- the guidelines hope to change that, making sure that the millenial's salute does not end in suffering.

Ahmad Fazeen