IllogiNews:Illogicopedia institutes new anti-vandalism policy

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Due to the increasing difficulty of distinguishing between edits intended as "vandalism", which are senseless, pointless, or offensive edits on an intellectual level generally accessible to a cat walking across the keyboard, and edits made "in good faith", which are intended to make positive contributions to Illogicopedia, which adhere fully to Illogicopedia's high standards, and which typically exhibit an intellectual level generally accessible to a cat walking across the keyboard, Illogicopedia has instituted a new rule[1], to which all newly added text must adhere:

All edits intended as "vandalism" must be so marked, by prepending the tag "VANDALISM:" to the new text. This will allow our team of semididactic text manipulators to easily identify such edits and remove them.

Any edits which are clearly "vandalism" but which are not so marked will be immediately removed.

We fully expect this new policy to significantly help with the difficult task of distinguishing "vandalism" from "positive contributions".

Any questions about this policy should be directed at our nonexistent staff of expert text reformulators, who will be glad to assist with clarifications and additional rules, as needed.

  1. Anti-vandalism policy