LisTeN tO the hOleS
That's right, listen to the holes. You read the title right, my friend. I'm instructing you very plainly and simply: LISTEN TO THE HOLES.
The exit is so, so close to the bucket of glue.
WHAT HOLES?[edit | edit source]
THe holes. How clear can I make it? THE HOLES YOU ARE ON THE VERGE OF FALLING INTO BUT YOU THINK HAVE TRAMPOLINES IN THEM. They are you telling you whether or not they have them. Tampolines. Tamp-olines Hahaha tamp
I could call this section ON but that would be uncreative[edit | edit source]
As uncreative as eating bread without passionately making out with it first. Thirst sounds like first. Maybe they are the same word. Anyway.
====[edit | edit source]
Will this work, I wonder? Experimentations...In wikkley.
SECTION[edit | edit source]
SUBSECTION[edit | edit source]
SUB SUBSECTION[edit | edit source]
SUB SUB SUB SECTION[edit | edit source]
SUBUBUBUBUBUBU seciton how long will this last[edit | edit source]
SEE what I mean by "holes" now?
I guess that one time they knew what they were doing.
Wamplight[edit | edit source]
What on earth is a wamp? I rode a wamp. I wit the wamp. Shouldn't we stop to make wamp? That sounds almost VUGLAR. SO SDOES THAT
AND THEN.....[edit | edit source]
GRUGGLING[edit | edit source]
Laugh, Chapped, Lack, Back Track
Snip Nip ahaha
thats the sNAKED
I never noticed that before
but there is none in apple
except worm
What happened?[edit | edit source]
They have their dictionaries at the ready, their hole-english dictionaries.
can you hear them now?
THIS is AN extremely LONGF[edit | edit source]
Why, why is the exit so close to the bucket of glue?