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New new total new dododododooodooo
Total new total new
New new new new new
Y neuvo

Hello guys, I am New and welcome to the Total New Late Show With New! *sound of people laughing*
Now, who's very New to this New show on our New television channel! Lift up your hands! *hand lifting noise, whatever that is* WOw, I must say... that's a lot of hands! *people laughing again* I know, I am so funny, AND NEW!! *camera moves to two students being carried over to the ambulance truck while dying of laughter* Look at these poor people. But when they exit the hospitals, they will be like Brand NEW!!! *more laughter* But their bills are not going to be. They are still gonna be poor people. *laugh* Going to be what? What?

The entertainer is whispering new to the audience. New!New!New!



Time for a commercial break. We will come back soon. Fresh, and new. *footage cuts to applebees as audience is still laughing*

Well, welcome back to our New segment of the show!! *audience laughs* And that segment is me. I am so awesome. AND NEW!!!!!!! *laughing*
Now, onto a more serious topic. News. *surprised laugh* These students shown in the first half of the show died from internal bleeding. In honor of these long-time viewers, whoever contacts us on the number below[1] and says New 100000 times as quickly as possible, can get 2oz of fresh and new student blood, well packaged and served. Brand new blood! *sound of people laughing* Taste! Lick! Enjoy! New!!!!! *laugh*

Looks like our time slot expired quickly. Also, I don't have new new jokes. *laughs* But these jokes aren't really new new, they are old new new. I have been preparing for this late night show for a very long time and I'm glad that this new *quiet laugh* show has been accepted so well! Love you all! Goodbye!

New new total new dododododooodooo
Total new total new
New new new new new

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1-800-343-5918

See also[edit | edit source]