Potted plant

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A herbomancer attempting to pot a plant.
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A Potted plant is plant which has been successfully transmogrified into a marijuana plant by a herbomancer. They are distinct from regular marijuana plants, which - being pot plants already - do not need to be potted.

Pottish plant[edit | edit source]

If the transmogrification process is attempted by an unskilled or fatigued herbomancer, the plant may only partially become marijuana. This is known as a Pottish plant. Various qualifiers are used to specify the degree of pottishness:

1-17%: Slightly Pottish plant

18%-56%: Somewhat Pottish plant

57%: Squiggly Pottish plant

58%-98%: Very Pottish plant

99%-99.9999999%: Sad Arnold