Rating Every Fruit

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Good Cheezythical Morning. You know, people have opinions. Some of them are good, others are bad, and some are just extremely despicable. My opinions... Well, they're kinda -----------. Speaking of opinions, today we're rating fruits! Rating EAS Alarms just wasn't enough, so I decided to rate more things. Here's the list, and argue about it if you want.

The List[edit | edit source]

Rating Fruits
Fruit Name Commentary Final Rating
Apple Basically the default skin of fruits. 6/10
Orange Kinda mid, but it's great as a juice. 5/10
Banana A long yellow thing you put in your mouth. 6/10
Lemon Lemons are for people that live life on the edge. 5/10
Lime Limes are just slightly worse lemons. 4.5/10
Watermelon Summertime favorite. 8/10
Grape Grapes are by far the best fruit ever. 10/10
Kiwi ...Who the hell eats kiwi? 4/10
Strawberry Strawberries are just apples but chewy and juicier. 5/10
Peach The peach emoji is the only reason people like this. 5/10
Blueberry Blue strawberries. 6/10
Pear I gotta admit... Pears are kinda fire. 8/10
Tangerine It wants to be an orange so bad. 5/10
Clementine It wants to be a tangerine so bad. 4.5/10
Cranberry ...That's a fruit? 5/10

Well, that's the list. See you on the other side of the Cheezit, my friend.