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Welcome to Microsoft Telnet client. Escape character is 'CTRL+]'

Microsoft Telnet> o
< to >
Connecting to not open connection to host, on
port 23: Connection failed

Microsoft Telnet> Fuck you
Invalid command. type ?/help for help

Microsoft Telnet> Run "cmd.exe"
Invalid command. type ?/help for help

Microsoft Telnet> ?/help
Commands may be abbreviated. Supported commands are:

c - close..............................................close current connection
d - display............................................display operating parameters
o - open hostname [port]...............................connect to hostname <default port 23>
q - quit...............................................exit Telnet
set - set..............................................set options <type 'set ?' for a list>
se - send..............................................send strings to server
st - status............................................print status information
u - unset..............................................unset options <type 'unset ?' for a list>
?/h - help.............................................print help information

Microsoft Telnet> send
Format is "send string"
type "send ?" for help

Microsoft Telnet>_