The Adventures of the Molepeople
"Yawn" replied Archipedilos on his frightful yet most erotic journey of dry-humping a maroon mercedes which turned out to be George Bush's second get-away vehicle owned by his twin clone in that movie 'I pawned dominatrix hard out of Jesus Christ's arse' which of course never set foot on Adolf Hitler's grounds since he was too busy groping the Islam goddesse's mother but anyway back to the point of the sordid tale.
"No! Not another one! I can't take much more of this!" bellowed the big hairy wet...snouty beast manifesting upon a worm's intestines. "Then why are you still eating it? I told you, there's perfectly good, partially mouldy breadcrumbs we can all feast upon"
A dis-stilled wind swept silently past what I can only describe as 'evolutionary moles/squirrels but brutally mutilated by angry mobs with pitch folks and torches, either that or they managed to survive an elevator shaft crushing the unfortunate building in the process..but no...
Instead they were lab rats gone wrong (wow, what a surprise)
which broke free from the hydroxenating loony bin and trampled the Umbrella Corporation's federals.
Yes. Nothing could stop them, nothing could get in their way..not even a P.K.K Revolver with locked on target initiations backed up by a 30 inch rocket launcher. No...nothing..
"No! Last time the crows puked on me-"
"Only the last 26 times" replied Fredrick in his sincere attempts to get his neuroslag of a friend, Archipedilos to devour egg faeces once again.
"Not on your Nazi's life"
"Shuush, what Nazi? How do you know about that" whispered Fredrick in a secretive and suspicious manner paranoidly looking around at the vast woods which suurrounded them.
"Uh..anyway, where's Lutherous?
"I think he went to rob household room stores of their toilets again" replied Fredrick earnestly. Ironically at that very moment police sirens could be heard from a distance closing in.