The Alcoholic's Song

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10 cans of Special Brew sitting on the bench,
10 cans of Special Brew sitting on the bench!
And now Mr Alcoholic takes the can from the bench,
So there's now only 9 cans sitting on the bench,
8 cans now sitting on the bench,
7 cans now sitting on the bench,

“Erm, what are doing Dan?”

~ Mr. B Alcoholic

6 cans now sitting on the bench,
5 cans now sitting on the bench,
4 cans now sitting on the bench,

“Are you insane mate? That's your last can.”

~ Mr. C Alcoholic

“No it won't. I'm perfectly fine. *stumbles*”

~ Mr. A Alcoholic

And now there's only 3 cans sitting on the bench,
Until Mr. Alcoholic falls down dead!