The Stupendous Island Adventure

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SRSLI Stealn't
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No interfering; we have plans. Preciousss planssss…

ONE day, a plane was flying, several hundred miles above the earth below. What an odd sentence.

Anyway, a man sat in a first-class seat, his face pressed against the window. His wife sat next to him.

"Enjoying the view, darling?" she said, glancing at her husband.

"Oh yes," said her husband, continuing to gaze, "It really puts humanity in perspective when you're up this high, staring at the world as it truly is. It makes you feel very, very small, yet at the same time, it makes you feel as if you're a part of something huge. Like, even though you're small, you somehow matter. Staring at the world from this high up is an experience I always cherish every time I fly."

"Uh...honey? The shade on the window is closed. You're not looking at the world, you're looking at a thin sheet of plastic about an inch away from your face."


Meanwhile, in the cockpit, the pilot and his copilot were busy flying the plane.

"Now remind me, where are we going again?" said the pilot.

"Aw, I have no idea. Just keep flying in some random direction, and avoid crashing into anything."

"Hey, you want some vodka?"

"You irresponsible bastard!!! The lives of thousands of people are in our hands, and you want to DRINK?"

"Meh, I suppose you're right."

"Although I could use some cocaine. Got any of that?"

The copilot shuffled through his backpack, pulling out several pounds of marijuana, a pair of handcuffs, and a dagger, before finding a syringe. He and the pilot passed it back and forth for a few minutes.

"Hey man," said the pilot, "Whaddya say we play a game? I'll wobble the plane all around, and you go back into the cabin and count how many passengers throw up because of me. Then we can switch. Whoever makes the most passengers throw up wins!"

"I like it!" said the pilot, reaching for a button on the dashboard.

"DON'T PUSH THAT BUTTON!" screamed the copilot, "That's the "Burst into flames and come falling out of the sky in a dramatic explosion of death and destruction" button!"

"Ah, thanks for pointing that out. I nearly pushed it that time. Why do we even HAVE that button, anyway?"

"Apparently it helps distract us from the "Passenger welfare button". That button gives me the willies." said the pilot, shivering.

Suddenly a well oiled black man walked into the cabin and really did give the pilots the willies ololololololololol.

That's what I think of your crummy unfinished article THE! ..said one of the pilots.