User:Another n00b/Game Online

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Game Online was the first Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) game. It was also notable for being set-up only two months after the invention of the internet, in 1989 AD. It was designed by four people known as Johnothan "Rauni" Debt, Bert "3333333333" Mauh and two other people who would prefer to remain anonymous. However, many others have expanded on it. Between 1989 and 2005, over twenty million people had played the game.

A screenshot from November 2nd, 1992 of the second server. This is from the Moisac 3.1 browser, with a client.

The game was first supposed to be a multi-player version of Zork III, which was the developer's favourite game. However, when the game started getting more and more popular, certain new administrators decided to leave the game plotless, but still set around the time period of the zork games (circa 1345 - 1360 AD) and in a similar setting.

History[edit | edit source]

On October 6th, 1989 (exactly two months after the invention of the internet at CERN), the website was formed. It initially got almost no users, until the internet became widely available due to the invention of the WWW (previously one had to use the incredibly unwieldy telnet) and affordablility of personal computers with 300 to 2400 bit/s modems in 1992. Then, people heard about it through word-of-mouth. In 1994, it was discovered over four hundred thousand nodes had played the game (ironically, the concept of the node was made null several months later).

The original server for the game.

An opinionated view[edit | edit source]

On a3net, "Adam H. Kerman" posted:
You might know me as a huge unfocom fan. Someone made a 95% accurate interpretation of the game "Zork III" with online added in. Not only that, but there are multiple "servers" which add new content. And there are also clans and user-made sub-plots. But it does have a couple of flaws. One of the servers for example, is basically one larger labyrinith. Oh god, I hated Zork's mazes. I don't see how this can be replaced with a maze crawl.

Just leave this be, there's no need to hate on this game. If you don't like it, stick to the original Zork. The whole point is that it's endless, and branches into theoretically infinite paths. If it was just straightforward with an ending, it'd be exactly the same as the Zork series. This is the MMO version where there is no ending, and many paths to not reach an ending. The multiplayer is great, and not to go un-missed.

Start-up screen, 2005[edit | edit source]

Welcome to....

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By Johnothan Debt, Bert Mauh
and two other people who would
prefer to remain anonymous.

To request for adminship, then
contact this e-mail address:
You find yourself in a dark dungeon. You see a flask.
You also see a baby grue egg. What would you do?
> get flask

You can't get the flask.
The object is too far away.
> multi

See Also[edit | edit source]