User:Another n00b/Gumball Eyes

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The original.

On April 30 2009, SSMB member Psyguy found an Ice Cream Pop shaped like Sonic. WITH GUMBALL EYES. The eyes were ridiculously placed in the middle way away from Sonic’s eye sockets. That made everyone ROFL and LMAO at the stupidness which it was. It wasn’t long before everyone in the SSMB with minor editing skills were posting retarded and hilarious pics of Sonic and others with oddly placed GUMBALL EYES. It started to look like it was gonna be a bigass full blown MEME. When it reached 4chan, it soon became an absolutely huge posting-fest. The original author even started making Youtube videos about it. Which made a few others start making some too. But then, all of a sudden, some kids started saying that the meme was getting TOO big, and stopped watching the topic.

Original video[edit | edit source]

The original image was part of a 60 second video, which was uploaded to youtube in April 2010 ( About a year after the popularity of the meme ).

An example of a parody.

A parody of an interview with Sonic the hedgehog using this meme.[edit | edit source]

The epic email recieved[edit | edit source]

From: OnionYoung@*******.com
Subj: Gumball Eyes
On April 30 2009, SSMB member Psyguy found an Ice Cream Pop shaped like Sonic.


The eyes were ridiculously placed in the middle way away from Sonic’s eye sockets.

That made everyone ROFL and LMAO at the stupidness, which it was. It wasn’t long before everyone in the SSMB with minor editing skills were posting RETARDED and Hilarious pics of Sonic and others with oddly placed GUMBALL EYES! It started to look like it was gonna be a bigass full blown MEME. I even started making Youtube videos about it. which made a few others start making some too. But then, all of a sudden, some kids started saying that the meme was getting TOO big, and stopped watching the topic.

I was NOT happy to hear this. I thought it had barely scratched the surface. There was still kids outside the SSMB who knew NOTHING of this EPIC meme. me and the other guys didn’t want it to die. and the fact that the meme was getting rejected made us like it even MORE. Especially me. SO. We started our own alliance! A fucked up team if you will. dedicated to the growth and popularity of the meme we have created.

we are

______________ ______________
\__    ___/   |   \_   _____/
  |    | /    ~    \    __)_ 
  |    | \    Y    /        \
  |____|  \___|_  /_______  /
                \/        \/ 
  ________ ____ ___  _____ __________    _____  .____    .____     
 /  _____/|    |   \/     \\______   \  /  _  \ |    |   |    |    
/   \  ___|    |   /  \ /  \|    |  _/ /  /_\  \|    |   |    |    
\    \_\  \    |  /    Y    \    |   \/    |    \    |___|    |___ 
 \______  /______/\____|__  /______  /\____|__  /_______ \_______ \
        \/                \/       \/         \/        \/       \/
____________________.___  ________    _____  ________  ___________
\______   \______   \   |/  _____/   /  _  \ \______ \ \_   _____/
 |    |  _/|       _/   /   \  ___  /  /_\  \ |    |  \ |    __)_ 
 |    |   \|    |   \   \    \_\  \/    |    \|    `   \|        \
 |______  /|____|_  /___|\______  /\____|__  /_______  /_______  /
        \/        \/            \/         \/        \/        \/ 

So go on! Pass this on to the friends in your address list! What's the worst that could happen? You'll find the attachments for the original image and an Oh Exploitable provided with it! Want to make your own? The easiest way is to simply make or find a Pic of Sonic, a sonic character, Mario, a youtube poop character, or misc.

Then, black out the charcter’s eyes (or eye equivelint)

Then, replace them with the gumballs from a pic of Sonic ice cream (you can also use MSpaint to make gumball eyes but it looks less professional)

MAKE SURE that the eyes are NOT properly aligned and in the correct spot.

They MUST be away from or somewhat close to the eye sockets to replicate the look of the ice cream bar. If you think yours is particularly funny, send it back to this address:

The Gumball Brigade[edit | edit source]

Not even the AVGN is safe!

These where a group founded on an obscure San-Fransisco based Sonic BBS which had the intention to make this into a Phenomena, and make it the most popular internet meme of the late 2000s and early 2010s, at least. Every image, any image was shooped, commonly SPAMMED as attachments, one time in 2011 even causing an accidental DDoS on Photobucket's servers while doing so. The main reason The Gumball Brigade was created was in responce to the face The Cheezeburger Network REFUSED to accept this was a meme, and The Gumball Brigade wanted to prove them wrong, and make it more popular than the crappy minor not-that-popular Advice Dog variations they normally confirm. And ultimately, they where successful. There where eight members of the a Gumball Brigade, and made a chain-mail to try and get as many netizens as possible into the know of the Gumball Eyes meme. The chain letter gained over 6 million views. Psyguy himself had no connection with the group, and didn't know about them until November 2010, over 9 months after it was created, due to the fact they where both from non-local sites. The e-mail used to get the word accross, however, had quite a few spelling mistakes, and the ASCII-art image depicting the group was written by a friendly Linux-fanatic for them.But as time went on, they started running out of ideas, and ended up just making dry and unfunny stuff. Suddenly even the lovers of the meme started to hate it. Finally, thanks to the efforts of DeviantART moderator Flyboy Fox, the topic was finally locked. The Gumball Brigade, was finished.

Gallery[edit | edit source]