Herobrine Persson

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Herobrine Persson was Markus Persson's older brother. In 1996 during an expedition to the rural country of Mojang, Herobrine was accidentally killed by a falling rock after venturing too far down a mine. This was years before the incidents in Mojang began occuring, which led to an eventual exodus of the large nation. Much video footage of him exists, with there being a huge surge in incidents between 2004 - 2007. In 2009 he was the subject of a well-known copypasta, which led to the eventual status of a meme. Herobrine is now a vengeful miner ghost that tries to ensnare brave adventurers in traps, presumably to steal their items. He waits for people to enter his dungeons, then either seals them inside, or "teleports" behind them, presumably killing them. Some variations of this particular legend says he breaks people's stuff and steals their items from chests. However, his younger brother denied the ghost stories as truth. This was, of course, before he encountered the ghost several times.

In the cave were Herobrine died, a large piece of paper was found behind a small rock. The entire text of the message was
the following:

The author of the passage has not been identified. The actual note is now in the posession of Markus.

The curse[edit | edit source]

Some say the main reason many are reluctant to mine in Mojang is because Herobrine has had a cursed placed upon him, preventing him from exiting the mortal world and ascending into the "astral realm". During many years of trawling around and backtracking, a mixture of lonelyness and mental illness would soon begin driving him to be hostile to pretty much anything that moves. In 2009 a group of people decided to visit the areas where the attacks were reported, in the hopes of ending the debate on whether or not he even exists. This was the result:

See Also[edit | edit source]