User:Another n00b/PoIsOn

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 :         : :  :   :    :: : :     : :  :   ::    :   

PoIsOn is one of the most insane, effective blocking tools of all time. It is so satisfying to successfully circumvent, that in June 2010, a future LulzSec member announced he would give out a $5000 reward to the first person to successfully do so. As of Thursday, 26 Octodest 2023, nobody has managed to do so. Most people agree the only way to get past PoIsOn for most users is to beg the one who instated it via-email. If that doesn't work, going to a different Intranet is the only other option.

Origin[edit | edit source]

It was originally created by MSE6, an administrator of the RobloxForum. It was first used against a bunch of DDoSers, who may or may not be enemies to the state of Robloxia. It was first published on 13th September, 2008. It was only version 1.0, and already very effective. In the very first few original version, it was just a fairly simple permanent ban (also sometimes shortened to permaban) tool which removes your account, and new account creation is disabled for your IP address. It was then picked up by one of the mods at, who decided to updated it slightly with permission from the original author. It was soon turned into version 2.0, which banned any detected proxies. The original author of PoIsOn then decided to make Version 2.0 of the banning tool completely open source, and made it available on rapidshare, for those who wanted it. It soon became more and more efficient, until eventually, after the work of over 86 people, it soon became the most effective blocking tool of all time. As of today, it is now up to version 4.5.

A list of perma'd alts[edit | edit source]

Since when is a 3 day ban worse then an IP ban?


Server Error
403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. 
You do not have permission to view this directory 
or page using the credentials that you supplied.


Poison 4/1/2010 4:36:45 PM 
Remind 3/31/2010 10:33:05 PM 3/31/2010 10:33:05 
Ban 14 Days 3/11/2010 5:21:30 PM 3/25/2010 5:21:29 PM 
Ban 14 Days 2/11/2010 7:59:27 PM 2/25/2010 7:59:27 PM 
Ban 7 Days 1/31/2010 5:13:30 PM 2/7/2010 5:13:30 PM 
Ban 7 Days 1/24/2010 1:08:15 PM 1/31/2010 1:08:15 PM 
Ban 3 Days 1/11/2010 3:56:12 PM 1/14/2010 3:56:12 PM 
Ban 1 Day 1/1/2010 10:46:29 PM 1/2/2010 10:46:29 PM 
Ban 1 Day 12/23/2009 7:42:16 PM 12/24/2009 7:42:16 PM

What has been said about it[edit | edit source]

“Yes, it's called extreme IP banning it tracks your IP and any account that matches that IP is completely obliterated by bans, so hideous that even SAW would look like a child's comedy. I would not like to divulge the full horrors of this ban, but yes, there is a type of ban, the sort of ban that only people who mess with the site's bandwidth receive.”

~ ogoogleplex

PoIsOn should nevar be given to admins who don't know remorse[edit | edit source]


I got a poison by:
1. saying your mom at explicit moments
2. making an account named paedobear

3. don't remember and the ban note has nothing on it”
~ dqbert

“A permanent ban (also sometimes shortened to permaban) removes your account, and new account creation is disabled for your IP address. The most powerful ban. This disables the ability to visit the site. The IP address of your computer is added onto a blacklist, preventing you from accessing the site.”

~ The common copypasta message which comes with PoIsOn.exe, actually originated from a description of PoIsOn 2.0

SONICTHEHEDGEHOGXX should be PoIsOned from the whole internet.”

~ Somewhat over the top, Christina8787.

“Anon's sthould tsay n tge *Chaans, theuy shoujdnt b i oukr Robolx Fodum! Tey aways ate a sem o eb noobso, nad thy shougld bte banngd frm postng, hwo alrees wih mz? I thnk thsoe whwo g aoround promotineg 4wChan szould eb autobanneqd andd Ponisoned.”