User:Mr Hello Mann

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I came before there was cream crackers. Before the first person to be called Jerry was called Jerry. Before the birth of the first fruitbat and definitely before the birth of whatever the fruitbat was before it became a fruitbat. Is fruitbat one word? Probably not but I don't care because language is silly and also I came before language. I came before the trees, the plants, the bacteria. I came before the water and the rocks. Before fire, and physics itself. What's happening yo yo yo we're at the beginning of time brudda. I am Hello Mann, formerly known as Mr Hello Mann. Man, I hate Liverpool but alas, I cannot leave. I am intoxicated and entranced by the intoxicating and entrancing beauty of the purple wigs that lie within St John's. If I leave I am afraid my matter will come apart, along with the fabric of time like this oh no i m d y i n g a h h h n o o o o o . Like that so I must remain, scoused and jaded, doomed to walk around the docks if it's a nice day and simultaneously become broke and pissed at the Pumphouse.