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You jump and grab the edges of the trap door and pull yourself up -- or, anyway, you try to pull yourself up.

This looks so easy in the movies!

And then you feel something kind of soft and squishy pushing you from behind -- the shoggoth is giving you a boost!

With its tentacally help, you make it through the trapdoor.

And then -- WHOA NELLY! What's that thing? OMG it's the Giant Rat of Sumatra!

It's a rat as big as a Volkswagon, as hungry a black hole, as tough as Chuck Norris, and as mean as ... I can't think of anything as mean as that rat. You prepare to die.

But just before the rat rips you limb from limb, there's a slithering noise behind you, and the rat loses interest in you. It's staring over your shoulder, and it looks scared...

... A moment later, the shoggoth finishes swallowing the rat and we can return in peace to our adventure.

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