Where has my penis gone?

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WARNING: This article is based on the pains of a man losing his best friend. Jokes would be inappropriate, so it contains none. /Excuse.

I wonder where my pen has gone?
For so long it has been in my hand,
But then, without warning,
The pen is gone.
I wonder where it has gone?
I see many places of which it isn't,
Although these are of little interest to me,
My main focus being the place that my pen is.
'Tis a mystery, indeed.
I shall call the police.
They shall find my pen,
Using torches and the like,
I expect.
The police would not hear of it.
I really want my pen.
Perhaps it fell into the breadbin,
As so many of my pens do.
Woe is me, no pen to be found there,
Only bread.
I wonder if I shall ever see my pen again,
And I weep for my lost friend.

The pen is truly lost.
My doodle unfinished,
My heart torn,
My life bitter.

Now I shall have to buy a new bloody pen.