You May Not Sneeze.
It was in the country of ______ that the law was passed by the local Overlords, who in their Glory had discovered a new Sin. They discovered a passage in their Holy Book which none of them really understood (so many large words!!!!!!!) but they assumed that all the book's talk about harmony was a secret code. A secret code that was intended to declare sneezing a horrible sin, a sin almost as bad as that other sin.
They thus declared sneezing illegal in their nation, in their great homeland, appealing to the sense of decency of their people of their people of their decency. They put up signs that said these words in this order: BY ORDER OF THE OVERLORDS, YOU MAY NOT SNEEZE. SNEEZING IS AGAINST THE LAWS OF THE ALMIGHTY AS PROCLAIMED BY US, THE OVERLORDS, WHO ARE PRETTY MUCH ALMIGHTY, OR SOMETHING. SO DON'T SNEEZE. EVER.
Any hedgehog beings in the country who sneezed were immediately plunged in to icy water and never removed. (not to be confused going to Europa where icy oceans are rampant) Soon, the next generation was born, and after a few short generations, sneezing had been eliminated for the most part, although rebel groups still got together and sneezed for hours on end, which led to very sore noses and messy rooms and people of their decency.
They say a highway can't be replaced with koala hands carrying a single car to an unknown destination. In this nation, (_____), it was not only possible, it had happened. Where the single car was being carried, I cannot say. I cannot say.
The Overlords enjoy the ride, enjoy the view, it's a long ride but it's comfortable and warm and there's an open seat if you're interested.