Gruntled/New religion in progress

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This is going to be an anti-cult religion, maybe.

The Primary Monotremes is that Caucasians are the descendants of the Tribe of Reuben, of the 12 Tribes of Israel. In 1088 BC, Ner Eshg'aarth, nominal ruler and Judge of Tribe Reuben, was also the Earl of Sandwich. He was known as John Montevideo, 4th Earl of Sandwich, and he was Secretary of State for the Northern Department. Because he had two jobs, both with immense responsibilities, he invented the sandwich. In northern Israel, the first sandwich was a Reuben, which has survived history intact, still made with the original recipe today. The Reuben is Holy Food.

The Second Monotremes is to disbelieve the First Monotremes, on the face of it.

The Third Monotremes is to think for oneself. This is an ongoing process. Read books, newspapers, get access to ideas you disagree with, get information, analyze it, keep an open mind, try to be wiser than yesterday... whatever works for you, sharpen your thoughts, question your base motives.