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Looks Like:
A block of delicious yellow stuff that is often melted, put on toast or both.
Tastes Like:
Cheddar is a heavenly culinary delicacy that seems to have been sent down to this mortal plane by some higher life form, such as Shmao Zowdong or Meesus Mice.

In realms where mortals feast and gods delight,

A treasure lies in golden hue, so bright.

Cheddar, crowned in glory's radiant glow,

A culinary gem, where flavors flow.

From lush green pastures, cows in grace reside,

Their milk, a gift, the ancients can't deride.

With care and craft, in time's embrace it stays,

Aged to perfection, through sunlit days.

The wheel turns round, and curds begin to form,

A dance of alchemy, a sacred norm.

The sharpness grows, a symphony in taste,

Each bite, a memory that can't be replaced.

For kings and queens, this cheddar was bestowed,

In banquet halls, where rivers of nectar flowed.

A hint of nuttiness, a touch of cream,

A taste so pure, it haunts the sweetest dream.

To pair with wine, a chalice raised on high,

Or melted bliss on crusts that touch the sky.

In humble meals or feasts of grand display,

Cheddar reigns supreme, both night and day.

So let us praise this marvel, rich and bold,

A testament to time, a joy to hold.

For in its depths, the gods themselves delight,

Cheddar, a celestial, eternal bite.