Shmao Zowdong

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He has cool glasses
Shmao Zowdong

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Shmao Zowdong, born in 1873, was considered a genius from birth due to his incredible knowledge in cheese manufacturing and balancing things on other things. By the age of 5 he had already beaten the world record for The Most Glasses Balanced On One's Fingertips At Once 12 times.

Famous Inventions[edit | edit source]

Shmao Zowdong is a world renowned for his innovations in Cheddar and Rancid Milk with his colleague Meesus Mice. Both him and his colleague were hired by government agencies to develop grey, shiny curtains (for the Bcbkye to hide behind) and even popup rotisserie chicken stands.

Politics[edit | edit source]

Shmao Zowdong was a very important figure in the history of Rancid Milk. He was involved in the Rancid Milk War with Meesus Mice and was a great military leader. The man himself stated:
"I find conflict and political involvement to be extremely boring. I prefer watching home renovation programmes on the telly."

Late Life[edit | edit source]

He sadly passed away in 1929 at the age of 56. He left his estate and money to his daughter, Mao Zedong and his rancid milk to Meesus Mice. He left a legacy behind that millions will never forget.