Forum:Illogicopedia is losing its charm
I am sad. It doesn't have the same small tight community. I sense a giant growth that will turn us all into uncyclopedian-like people. THE ILLOGICOPEDIAN DOOMSDAY WILL COME AND THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO TO STOP IT! But I really do sense something going on. Either the separation from wikia will lead us into anarchy or we will grow beyond control. I worry about the site and lately all I have done is lurk about, not editing. Well anyways I dont see a good future. --|Fonchezzz| Quacking|
01:44, 15 Jumbly 2008 (UTC)
- It's already happened. --Taylor Karras 05:51, 15 Jumbly 2008 (UTC)
- We are not yet fully Uncyc-like, nor likely will ever be. As for user growth, I think we will go back temporarily (no longer having a huge neighborhood of potential visitors) after the move. Then... Well, no idea. But I hope we will remain/go back to (as applicable) being at least semi-anarchistic in style, neither falling into destructive (as opposed to constructive – that would be magnificent) chaos, nor inducing overly stifling control. Indeed, I think some emphasizing of what users are perfectly able to do (unless explicitly noted, anything not technically limited to sysops, as long as you don't mess up or at least clean up after yourself. improvement is always appreciated) could do well to de-demotivate and keep us... Well, sensibly nonsensical.
- Also, regarding size and community feel: If it turns into a huge, chatty cacaphony with regular exercise in dramatics, then I guess we'll close in on Uncyc's current state of affairs. If, however, the community turns into a chaotic horde at large roaming a large landscape of nonsense, regular tighter-knit editors with common nonsense interests focusing on smaller portions of the whole semi-independently... Well, then we'll at least go somewhere different. --Fluffalizer 06:58, 15 Jumbly 2008 (UTC)
- Fonch, all the regulars are still here - I don't think any of the 'core' users have left the site. Heck, we're even getting new core members like Taylor and Huge Bob. I think Seppy mentioned a long time ago that the forum should be more active... well, once the move is over it has been suggested the forum be overhauled to be more like the Proboards forum - that could entice people back into the community. Man, that forum was great.
- Let's see where we are after the move. -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 10:17, 15 Jumbly 2008 (UTC)
I think that if you invite newer and regular users into the "tight knit" community you will still have the charm but also have a more diverse community. Well, I guess since I'm pretty new my opinion doesn't matter but still. -- --->T3<--- 04:18, 4 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
Fonch is right, it is different than how it was at the start, but it's not necessarily worse. Although, again, Fonch is right, I think ?Pedia will go into freefall if we get too many users. Just gotta make sure we keep new users involved with the goings on of the site to make them feel part of the community, and hope we can avoid Uncyc-ness.--.HelloolleH. d00d. 10:13, 5 Ergust 2008 (UTC)