Forum:People who are just as smart as their ape ancestors

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Found this and loved it:

“When you announce that you've demonstrated an entire new class of fundamental physical particle, some people will ask, "But what use is it?" Because some people evolved directly from the one ape that grunted about fire being a waste of valuable ass-scratching time. But since they ask: quantum computers. Majorana fermions might be usable as qubits, the basis of systems that will make everything we know about computation look like abaci.”

Give me curved cucumbers, I will peruse this thing. XY007talkcontributions 06:41, 12 Arply 2015 (UTC)
Seems legit. Snarf. User:Twoandtwoalwaysmakesafive
Fnurdletoot. XY007talkcontributions 22:59, 12 Arply 2015 (UTC)