Forum:War on Encyclopaedia Dramatica

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I call to attention the honorable members of the Houses of Illogiland.

I propose that a declaration of total and unlimited warfare, Jihad, and Ar'Krai (for anyone insanely obsessed with Star Wars) against the vile scum at Encyclopedia Dramatica be made immediately or in the future.

Encyclopaedia Dramatica delenda est!

Casus Belli[edit source]

Encyclopedia Dramatica claims to limit its edits to its own website. However, it is a known fact that it has previously extended its tendrils into Illogicopedia. It seems also to have recently established a "satellite" website at Daemonica. The sole purpose of this site appears to be to slander the name of Uncyclopedia. It also uses a Communist symbol, which it is completely undeserving of using.

Possible Consequences of War[edit source]

Without a doubt, the swine at Dramatica would launch an assault upon Illogicopedia. We must have backup files ready to restore any pages the enemy may blank. We could temporarily ban anonymous edits to prevent retaliation by Dramaticans after we attack their website if we choose to go to war (this is probably not a good idea)

Should we go to war or should we not?

BlackholeSig.PNG<font=Impact><font=Impact>Eupocalith <font=Impact>Antimatter Demise Iirhai taul Nayuzir!

Ji-Had responses[edit source]

I have to agree with you that ED is the ultimate internet Nazi Bitchfest. On the one (and if I have it my way, only) occasion I visited it I was greeted by some naked hentai woman with penis's for boobs. Naturally I quickly deleted my internet history and undertook therapy. Of course it does needs ending and I'm surprised some higher authority hasn't already shut them down for general hate crimes/crimes against humanity, BUT is anything we do to them going to cause more than a minor annoyance that the legions of 13 year old BNP supporters will revert without breaking sweat? The retaliatory attack is likely to be on a much grander scale and unattractive in my opinion. SO, is it really worth it and would vandalizing them actually make any difference? --Testostereich(ballsack) 21:36, 11 Novelniver 2007 (UTC)

Response to the Response[edit source]

Maybe they're not worth the trouble. They are pathetic and will probably undo themselves...

-- BlackholeSig.PNG<font=Impact>Eupocalith<font=Impact>Antimatter Demise Iirhai taul Nayuzir!

Don't bother.[edit source]

A vandalism war is not the kind of thing you want, trust me. It would only be annoying for both wikis, and cause the sysops here more headaches. Just know that you're the better wiki, and enjoy that knowledge. - –TLB (Tick Tock) (Contribs) 23:21, Nov 11

Im sorry, but i agree with led balloon on this one. for several reasons, EncyclopædiaDæmonica is actually done by some uncyc users to take the p*ss out of ED. Secondly, I don't want the headaches, i cant back them up, so if your article is lost in this so called war, then tough. Thirdly, dont prevoke, them, then they have a reason to attack back, if you want to do something like this, you must be subtle and sly, blatant vandalism is no good, you gotta edit in things slowly, and twist the sites edits over the course of time, cus that sort of thing is unnoticeable to start with. --Seppy 22:35, 12 Novelniver 2007 (UTC)

Yeah. Remember your duty as an Illogicopedian! Quoth the Commandments: We are not nasty. Wiki wars suck. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:20, 14 Novelniver 2007 (UTC)

Closing Statements of Eupocalith[edit source]

I shall begin no war against Dramatica. The matter is decided. The risks outweigh any possible benefits, and bringing Illogicopedia into any such war would do no good whatsoever. Therefore, my original proposal is now officially canceled.

-- BlackholeSig.PNG<font=Impact>Eupocalith<font=Impact>Antimatter Demise Iirhai taul Nayuzir!

Never mind. We can always start a war against soap, or something. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:21, 14 Novelniver 2007 (UTC)