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Gibblesproot is the- HEY! TALK E PRIME! Sorry, ALLCAPS-san. When one calls a thing a Gibblesproot, one generally intends to indicate that it possesses certain characteristics. These characteristics include a mimbley tumple, gzorbelds on the falanguons, and a mimpy hint of aftershade.

Long, Irrelevant Digression[edit | edit source]

There was once a man from- HEY! TALK E PRIME! Sorry, ALLCAPS-san. There once existed a man from Wales who had nine rhinoceros tails, seven ticktacks, six thumbtacks, four aprons and a shoe. The shoe possessed redness of coloration. A misty reus organ-eyes Haitian propagated it in the form of a meme. I wish that autocorrect would not suggest the word "masochist" constantly lipoleum fnord desu. Tick tick tick! Tuck tumble Minor tom bibbled churbishly velifalas the mariragdu impotas. Has this Irrelevant Digression exceeded the minimum Length, yet? Regard it as just a vessel!

You can't get back on topic if you never set one *holds up finger to forehead*[edit | edit source]

Gibblesproot boons mack in vyfroot blands, bindloo zamoofoo atari all the time. Tim Biddle, yame! Yame! Hinglediddle faruvee, tamoosa! Ipple diagonal fortress fortitude massive assassassinoutinout, youranation. Henh! Thai!

See Also[edit | edit source]