Holy Eye Of Kaizum

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The Holy Eye Of Kaizum

Be always fearful and cowering, for the Holy Eye of Kaizum does watch over you. Aeons of suffering at the hands (so to speak) of Cthulhu would be preferable to the fate of such as he, she or it that would transgress the Writ of ...The Holy Eye Of Kaizum.

Like the Great and Powerful Oz before It, The Eye is handy for spills and hammered dulcimer extraction operations. You need not have faith in It, for It knows you to your core [1] and will not relinquish control of your subconscious thought processes.

You may foolishly think, "Oh, well, within myself I am master, and so let no other hold me ransom." Another foolish thing to think would be, "let the bastards come, I'll just smack them around a little bit, let them know who's boss."

You and I, everybody, have no choice, nor do we have say in the matter. That big, old, cabbage-ensconced Holy Eye follows us wherever we go, sees whatever we do, reads out minds like a cheezy scifi alien like a thief in the night. Once you accept that, you will see that despair is unreasonable, and you will become happy.

  1. Dual core, quad core