I have a paragraph

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Pregnant readers, and those with heart conditions are not allowed on the ride.

Helmet and arm pads MUST be worn at all times.

Read on at your own risk.

Today I was playing runescape and it was three o clock in the morning so i was tired but i could not sleep so i went on to runescape and i logged in and i was in green dragons in wilderness and i remembered i had been killing them for money and i was wearing rune full helm and rune platelegs and a red dragonhide body and i would have worn a black one but my ranged level is sixty one so i could not wear one otherwise i would but i cant so i dont then i attacked a dragon and i hit an eleven then an eighteen and i was quite impressed with my hits so i took the grimy ladantyme and the dragon bones and then i had a full inventory so i teleported to wilderness volcano but my games necklace degraded so i could not make another trip which was upsetting but i noted all my dragon loot and there was seventy seven dragonhides and one hundred and forty six dragon bones and three grimy ladantymes and then i took out three air runes one fire rune and one law rune and i used a varrock teleport spell and i appeared in the center of varrock and i ran past the people sat there talking about things and past some oak trees and past two people arguing about the new quest being overpowered and one of them was saying nomad was easy and quite frankly i disagree with that as i think he is overpowered as he can hit a ninety eight but i ran past them and into the grand exchange so i talked to the grand exchange clerk and sold them and took my three hundred thousand coins that i had earned and put them in my bank and i now had fourteen million seven hundred thousand eight hundred and forty nine coins so i thought i would treat myself and for some reason i bought full infinity armour just because i felt like it so i equipped my infinity hat and i equipped my infinity robe top and i equipped my infinty robe bottom and at that point a person approached me wearing an adamant full helm and a rune platebody and an adamant platelegs which i thought was an odd combination but he was offering to trade with me so i traded with me and he showed me thirty seven rune med helms and i thought why do you have those helms and he said do you want to buy these helms and i said no thank you i have enough rune armour and he said please but without an e and an a and a z instead of s and no e on the end and i said no because i have the rune full helm and he said please because i made these for smithing and i looked him up in the highscores and he did indeed have a very high smithing level and i thought thats nice how a person this low can dedicate themselves to one of the more expensive skills like smithing and then i thought okay i will be nice to this person so i took out some of my money and i bought his helms and then i banked them and i put my new thirty seven rune med helms next to my eleven rune full helms and i now had a lot of runite armour and i decided i had too many so i sold my rune chainbody and that earned me some cash which i spent on lobsters and i deposited my infinity armour then i took out my avas accumulator and my red d hide body and my dorgeshuun crossbow and my rune platelegs and my rune full helm and my rune kiteshield and thirty bones to peaches tabs and a ring of wealth and an inventory of lobsters and i ran to the stronghold of security to kill some ankous and i went to the second floor then i went to the third floor then i went to the fourth floor then i ran past some shades and through some doors but the ankous were packed at world fifty nine because there were three people there and one of them was wearing a helm of neitiznot and a rune platebody and a rune platelegs with a dragon dagger poisoned plus plus and a rune kiteshield and an amulet of glory and the other one was wearing a helm of neitiznot and a fighter torso and rune platelegs and an amulet of fury and a saradomin sword and he was hitting thirty threes which i found impressive so i said to him very nice hits and he said shut up noob and then i evaded the censor to say the eff word by using a four instead of an eff and it worked so he said reported and i hopped worlds and i had to go to another world so i went to world one hundred and fourty nine but i had to wait thirty seconds and then it changed to twenty nine and then it changed to twenty eight and then it changed to twenty seven and then it changed to twenty six and then it changed to twenty five and then it changed to twenty four and then it changed to twenty three and then it changed to twenty two and then it changed to twenty one and then it changed to nineteen and then it changed to eighteen and then it changed to seventeen and then it changed to sixteen and then it changed to fifteen and then it changed to fourteen and then it changed to thirteen and then it changed to twelve and then it changed to eleven and then it changed to ten and then it changed to nine and then it changed to eight and then it changed to seven and then it changed to six and then it changed to five and then it changed to four and then it changed to three and then it changed to two and then it changed to one and then it loaded and i was on the log in screen and i clicked click here to play and there was no one there but me so i attacked an ankou and hit a nine and a seventeen and i killed it then i attacked an ankou and hit a seven and a nineteen and i picked up the fifteen pure essence then i got very bored of ankous after two kills because i have attention deficit disorder and oh look a bird anyway as i was saying i have attention deficit disorder so i went to go to do smithing so i went to the east varrock bank where there were some people fletching including a person with a woodcutting cape so i said nice cape and he said tee why then i went to the bank booth and right clicked and selected use quickly bank booth so i could get to my bank and i went to my ranged tab where i keep my black dragonhide bodies and black dragonhide legs and black dragonhide vambraces and iron arrows and steel arrows and rune arrows and dorgeshuun crossbows and bone bolts and magic longbows and magic shortbows and adamant crossbows and adamant shortbows and ruby bolts enchanted and diamond bolts enchanted and then i deposited the things i was wearing and i took out some bronze bars and a hammer and then i ran to the anvils across the road from the bank i was at and then i clicked the anvil to do some smithing and smithed some bronze knives and i smithed fifteen knives then thirty knives and when i had used all my bars i got some more bars and made more knives and then i decided to auto smith because smithing is boring and i downloaded a runescape auto bot and loaded a script to smith bronze knives and it started to do it and i went to get some cookies and i went to my kitchen and opened the cupboard and took out the cookies and took them to the computer and then i was logged out and i checked my account and it was disabled for autoing so i quit because of my banned account and i got some friends and went to local football tryouts and then i was signed by a football team and i played striker and i almost got signed for a national youth team too but then i started runescape again so i got fat and socially inept again so i went back and made a new account and i decided to make a pure this time so i made one and then i did the new tutorial and i talked to sir vant then i killed the goblin then i took the drugged meat then i fed it to the dragon then i crushed it then i had to cut some ivy but i couldnt because i needed four in the wood cutting skill so i got it and then i cut the ivy and i went up a ladder and then i went to a goblin and killed it with my fists and got two strength and then i killed another goblin and another goblin and got three strength and picked up nineteen coins from it and then i went to get money but i could not get any because i had one in all my skill levels so i went to the lumbridge castle garden where a group of people were chatting and they were all wearing members items and i said pee haitch are three three space ess tee oh oh eff space pee ell zero ecks and a person tried to trade me and i think his name was pee yoo are space ess tee are or something like that and he gave me five hundred and seventy three coins and i said tee why and he said en pee emm eight then he asked me to add him and i said oh kay and i added him to my friends list and then i went over to the grand exchange to try and buy some starting gear with my new coins but the clerk told me to speak to the grand exchange instructor or brugsen burgsen or maybe his name is burgsen brugsen i dont know so then i talked to the brugsen burgsen or maybe his name is burgsen brugsen i dont remember and i watched a film on how to use the grand exchange then i went to the grand exchange and typed in eye are oh en space eff and the result said iron full helm so i bought the iron full helm which cost me two hundred coins and i wore it and then i typed in eye are oh en space pee and there were three results they were iron platebody iron platelegs and iron plateskirt and i picked iron platebody but i did not have enough money so i typed in eye are oh en space cee haitch and there was only one result iron chainbody and i picked that and equipped it and then i typed in eye are oh enn pee ell ay tee ell and i chose the one result which was iron platelegs and i bought them and then i had no money left because i had spent it all on this new armour set.

So... generic...