IllogiCountry:The Frozen Ocean

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From IllogiCountry, the World of Insanity
The frozen ocean.

The Frozen Ocean is an ocean that is frozen. Duh. It can be used to make slushees, but you must be careful not to use cherry flavoring, because if you do, it will spit cherries in your face, and you will be devoured by a cherry-loving schnizzle. Also, it is a great skiing resort. Watch out, though, and never ever ever EVER get near Fredward at feeding time; he is a novelist, and is not afraid of Wangs, no matter what you might think. He has a wang, but so what. You had a barney once, didn't you? FLoWeRBeDs!!!!!zorz!!!!!!ness!!!!!!!!!!age!!!!!!!!!!

Beware of the sharks. They hunger for your flesh, and they love nothing more than your mortal screams of unpurified terror. Except for maybe this is censored because I don't actually know.