Illogicopedia:Autoconfirmed users

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The Official Illogicautoconfirmationmobile (May not appear exactly as shown)

Autoconfirmed users are Illogicopedians who, due to the lack of an email account, were personally verified by a car full of Admins arriving for tea in the user's own living room.

Please note that this service is currently operating in limited Beta, and may not be available to all users in all regions. Geographical constraints may prevent you from having tea with the Admin(s) of your choice, or receiving the service at all.

Hindleyite wishes it to be known that he is lobbying hard to initiate an Aeroconfirmed users category, whereby he will fly internationally to any destination provided that the user sends him a two-way plane ticket in addition to providing the tea (preferably with scones and raspberry jam).

See also[edit | edit source]