Illogicopedia:Review/Believe it or not

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Believe it or not[edit | edit source]

eeeeh? 11:43, 11 Yoon 2008 (UTC)

Concept: 5 Well, let's it creative? I think not.
Execution: 5 OK. But not good, simply OK, you bananaman.
Grammar and Formatting: 2 The grammar sucks, what can i say? I say it sucks, that's what i say. Formatting, ok. But that's what gives this a 2, OK?
Images: 4 What lets this down is that stupid Disclaimer photo in that gets repetitive and well..boring, Use new pictures, fresh humorous (and not to mention illogical) images.
Miscellany: 6 The believe it or POT is miscellany and it's well good, so is that alien thing but everything else lets this down.
Final Score: 22 4. The Final Score is 4. Everything adds up to this...4. 4 is everything!!! It was an OK article but it didn't make me laugh, and give me aching pains in my chest that drives me to the brink of insanity, and it's not illogic very much. ILLOGIC i say! dibble
Reviewer: --eeeeh? 11:43, 11 Yoon 2008 (UTC)