Mist weasel

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Mist weasels are what happens when a cloud of fog from the Passage of Magellan meets a Weasel from alpine France and reproduces. As you can see, this creature is part weasel, and part keyboard.

It is a very thin animal and likes beef. To quack it to quack it is a very thin task.

Eeble panda[edit | edit source]

Eeble panda, give me some cheese today Eeble panda, give me some cheese today

Ywaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Repetitive sun bear doesn't like pears!

The pear and ferret paradigm[edit | edit source]

This paradigm can be used to power the Infinite Improbability Drive, in that if you have a ferret drinking a nice hot cup of tea, it will not run towards the pear, even if a cube of sugar is placed on the pear. Because the tea is considered superior by the ferret, it will shout, "Canada! What are you doing! Give me back my information sign!" and get lost on the Paris Metro. A weasel will produce different effects in that it will run towards the sugar, but not eat it; as the Weasel believes that all external food is poisonous, even though he frequently eats with me some beef pie. A mink will run away only to be made into a coat, and a stoat is so stupid it will be gathered by Zaphod Beeblebrox and thrown into the captain's PDA storage box.

The risk of such mist weasel services[edit | edit source]

Services aplenty are offered by the mist weasel, most of which include picking up litter, being a dog, being a mist weasel, oh and picking up litter. It was invented in 701732 BC by the weasel Senior, Sri Dato' Meebles Plentiful Garion ti Estra First Right (and Left and Centre) Reverend Impocion Metrion the 2nd, Sensei, Lord of all the beasts of the Earth and fishes of the Sea.

To be decided is when Amourshipping is considered canon by the time of the Sea Service and Not Particularly Happy Junior Employee Convention of AD 1798, in a storehouse that was locked 1941 above sea level. So take it. Take your keyboard and quack it in a particularly thin manner, so you can get the weasel to a safe ocation.

Ocation, location, vocation, improper perfection[edit | edit source]

Oppi ai' i Tamil cross hatch when the hammer is dropped Mr. Cree will be a mink. Engrish all the way! Ispa ispa ispa. Is not the trudgery and complexity of this all, but your ability to see beyond the mundane.

Riddles and stories[edit | edit source]

  • Lojban, lojban!
  • Hey! I hate pants! They are boring and difficult to wear!
  • Give me curved cucumbers
  • I am a dead cockroach. Snarf. Bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh....
  • Don't catch the edit filter.


  • What is the sound of thirty hands clapping?
  • Nope. It's not Chuck Testa, it's not a guy in Jordanhill railway station waiting for his train.