Moobacca and the Curse of Chewbacca
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The Very End[edit | edit source]
Moobacca raised his bowcaster. I never thought I'd have to do this he thought. Moobacca fired. He kept on firing until he knew the limp body in front of him was dead. Then, he stuck a thermal detonator in his mouth and pressed the button. The moon's reflection glowed, in the puddle of blood, surrounding Moobacca's remains.
The beginning[edit | edit source]
Moobacca strolled through the forests of Kashyyk, completely unaware of what his fate was to be. Moobacca was a Wookiee, from Kashyyk. He was young, for a Wookiee, at the age of 70. As Moobacca fingered his shiny black bowcaster, he remembered making his first one. He was only 30 at the time, and he had built a fine bowcaster. He remembered how he had acidently shot his family, and how his tears of joy became tears of sorrow. Moobacca exited the forest, heading towards his house. He past the corner store, the bar, and the wooden statue of the legendary Wookiee, Chewbacca. Moobacca recalled the day when Chewbacca had died, for it was said aloud on the speaker system. Moobacca had been in elementary school then, and had no idea who Chewbacca was. Moobacca sighed as he entered the front door to his house. I need to get out more. he thought, as he stared at his cluttered room. Moobacca pulled out his bowcaster as the telephone rang.
Chapter 3[edit | edit source]
Moobacca was angry. He had just got a call that his membership to Starship Monthly had just expired. As he angrly stomped past the statue again, Moobacca stopped and punched the carving. Oh crap. he thought. Moobacca was in big trouble now. He had destroyed a public memorial of Chewbacca and killed a samll child in the process! Frustrated Moobacca decided to go home. He returned to his house and stepped into the kitchen. He consumed eleven hot dogs and half a pie before he left the room. Moobacca went to sleep, with a bad taste in his mouth, and slept the remainder of the day.
Jail Time[edit | edit source]
"FREEZE! GET ON THE GROUND!" screamed the Police Wookiee. Moobacca woke up, and saw his house was being raided by Wookiee Police. The cops! he thought as he jumped up, firing his bowcaster in a fury. Ultimately, all he suceeded in doing was killing three Wookies and getting himself arrested for destruction of property and murder. Moobacca sat in the corner of his cell, whimpering. He didn't belong in jail. But he was sentenced to 100 years! How could he get out?
Floobacca[edit | edit source]
The answer to this question was Floobacca. Moobacca had met him in jail, and they were planning to escape. They did actually, only because of the flaw in the security systme. Floobacca was a strong Wookiee, stronger than Moobacca. Floobacca was 89, and had ragged black hair, unlike Moobacca's shaggy brown. After they escaped, Moobacca knew he could never show his face in Kashyyk again. So the two of them ran away, into the uninhabited regions of Kashyyk. But little did Moobacca know the horror he had unleashed upon himself adn Floobacca.
The Curse Sets In[edit | edit source]
Moobacca felt a sudden prickle in his spine. He woke up, in the camp he and Floobacca had made. All of the sudden, Moobacca's fur became blood red. His teeth grew into fangs. And his mind turned savage. The Curse of Chewbacca had begun. Moobacca, unaware of anything, rushed into the heart of Kashyyk. Wookiee civilians shrieked as he ran past howling into the night. Moobacca started to kill everyone he saw. It was horrible, his sudden urge to kill. Yet, he couldn't even see what he was doing. Something had taken over his mind. After slaughtering at least 47 Wookiees, Moobacca returned to the camp. His fur became brown once more, and his teeth became normal. Moobacca went back to sleep, unaware that he ever got up.
The Dreams[edit | edit source]
Moobacca saw a red Wookiee slice open another Wookiee with his vicious fangs. Moobacca saw the Wookiee kill again and again and again. It was horrible. Now the Wookiee turned and saw Moobacca and charged. The last thing Moobacca saw was those terrifying fangs as he woke up.
The Carnage Continues[edit | edit source]
And so, every night, Moobacca became a horribel monster. Every night he killed hundreds of Wookiees. Every night when he returned he re lived the nightmare in his sleep. Moobacca also had dreams of the statue of Chewbacca. The statue glowed gold, then turned red and melted. Soon Moobacca began to see what he was doing at night, yet he could not do anything about it.
Floobacca Learns[edit | edit source]
One night Floobacca told Moobacca he was going to get some supplies in town. After Floobacca left, Moobacca set out on his killing spree. Floobacca was in the sock department when he heard screams outside. Floobacca rushed outside to see Moobacca, only he was red and had huge fangs. Not only that, but he was killings people! "Moo-ey!" Floobacca yelled. Moobacca suddenly transformed back to his original state, and Floobacca ran over.
The Curse Takes over[edit | edit source]
Floobacca took Moobacca to the hospital. That was where it all went wrong. Suddenly Moobacca knew that he was going to transform. He screamed to get everyone out of the building but it was too late. Moobacca became the red Wookiee, and this time he didn't change back. Moobacca killed all of Wookiees in the hospital, all the Wookiees in the town, and all the Wookiees on Kashyyk, except for Floobbacca and himself.
The End[edit | edit source]
Moobacca had injured Floobacca badly. Floobacca was suffering and it was all Moobacca's fault. When he was about to kill off Floobacca, Moobacca changed back. The Curse was letting him decide if Floobacca lived. Moobacca looked at Floobacca, and he couldn't bear to let him suffer like he was. So, Moobacca siad goodbye, and fired his bowcaster at Floobacca. Moobacca fired until he knew Floobacca was dead. Goodbye, cruel world. I know what is going to happen. I know why it happened. It is because I punched the satue! The stupid statue. I unleashed this monsterous curse, and I am the one who shall end it! he thought. And so, Moobacca took a thermal detenator, and stuck it in his jaws. He pushed the button and heard a click, and the last thing he ever saw was the wooden statue of Chewbacca, laughing. It was a horrible laugh, more like a shriek. And that was the end of Moobacca's life, and The Curse of Chewbacca.