Neon Genesis Evangelion

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Shinjer with a muggy

“You are worthy of my grace”

~ Kaworu on being censored by netflix
For those who can't handle the real truth, the spinners of fake truth at Wikipedia have a thoroughly boring article on Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Neon Genesis Evangelion also known as Evan-jel-ion by Robin Williams is this really old anime that was probably made before you were even born. The series can be summarized with one sound effect; a very long and raspy scream. In the show, the characters are all happy as they can be to pilot the Evangelions-- which are also their mothers. (Oh Yeah, And Spoilers.)

What? why is the protagonist such a pushover...[edit | edit source]

So, I think you've met Shinji Ikari by now. Yeah, he's just a sigma male with one of the best grindsets ever. (everyone is just an object and you can solve all your problems by running away)

We don't talk about the hospital.

Why is the story so convoluted?[edit | edit source]

Well, maybe cause it's not told through long exposition at the beginning on purpose. You're learning about this world about as fast as the kids are. Which is basically at a snail's pace-- but still.

If you reaaallly wanna unlock pandora's box go watch a Youtube video, that's what Youtube is for. If you don't want to do that, Watch The End of Evangelion over and over again until you think you get it.

See Also[edit | edit source]