PkMnaPkMnゥ ♂ fPkMnk

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Threshold[edit | edit source]

it all started when XY told something about Lucario in an article called Dvorak...

and I told him that X x ゥ X x is WAY stronger than Lucario. okay? we can level that up to 255! not 100.

Mistakes were made[edit | edit source]

the correct name is X ゥ- xゥ,. not X x ゥ X x.

also, the correct name is M p'u ゥ. not M'puゥ.

the correct name for PkMnaPkMnゥ ♂ fPkMnk is... PKMNaPKMNゥ ♂ fPKMNk. well, the incorrect name is better. MUCH better.

Actually...[edit | edit source]

I was done making this article and I was proofreading it, I accidently paste a link, and every line of article is gone. I am not feeling great right now.

The discussion[edit | edit source]

What about M'puゥ, 4B 8 4 8, 'Ng ゥ$, óË {é Áî, and bad EGG? XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 09:32, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)

You know, PkMnaPkMnゥ ♂ fPkMnk is the best. it learns the move TM23 at lv 86, that move has 255 power(lolwut?), 33% accuracy(that's quite bad. but better than other glitch moves.), 4 PP(is it, like hyper beam or something? well, it's twice stronger.), it drains the half of its damage!(that's CHEATING.) ..and it has
  • (At lv 100, it can be leveled up to 255.) (0 IV, 0 EV ~ 15 IV, 63504 EV)
  • HP: 574 - 667
  • Attack: 299 - 392
  • Defense: 295 - 388
  • Special: 277 - 370
  • Speed: 261 - 354

therefore, this is THE BEST pokaman in teh wordzzzz!!!![1] 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
12:34, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Btw, it evolves into 4B 8 4 8 at lv 80, DO NOT EVOLVE. 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
12:38, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)

WTF r u guys talking about???[edit | edit source]

Glitch Pokémons.

  This section is semi-logical; it is meant to be. Prepare to be semi-bored.  
  Semi-Sensible Section  

Why PKMNaPKMNゥ ♂ fPKMNk is da best[edit | edit source]

I'll show you with this list.

Name Type Number Hybrid? Catch rate Height..? Weight..? Stats (LV 100Max 255, IV 15, EV 63504) Best Move (No TM/HMs.)
HP Attack Defense Special Speed Learn at LV... Move Name Power Accuracy PP Special effect
X ゥ- xゥ, Glitch/Normal 196 No 150 7.1 m 467.9 kg 467 388 378 380 354 Start Skull Bash 100 100% 15 rebound damage. NORMAL MOVE.
M p'u ゥ Pokémaniac 211 No 97 7.0 m 399.4 kg 577 308 532 156 306 120 TM24(Move name, not actual TM) 118 31% 0 paralyzing. 0 PP.
4B 8 4 8 Water/Fighting 209 Poliwrath 45 7.0 m 399.4 kg 383 268 288 238 238 Start Body Slam 85 100% 15 paralyzing. NORMAL MOVE.
'Ng ゥ$ Normal 248 Rattata ??? 7.0 m 399.4 kg 263 210 170 148 242 31 Hi Jump Kick 85 90% 20 rebound damage. NORMAL MOVE.
PKMNaPKMNゥ ♂ fPKMNk Normal/Ground 216 No 145 7.0 m 399.8 kg 667 392 398 370 354 86 TM23(same, not an actual TM.) 255 33% 4 Drains half damage.(ULTIMATE CHEAT)

Other Pokémans that doesn't listed above[edit | edit source]

óË {é Áî, and bad EGG?

óË {é Áî[edit | edit source]

The game softlocks when it is sent to battle. that's right! you cannot use 'em in battle. It is pronounced [ɤ̃: e œɪ].

Bad EGG[edit | edit source]

The game thinks it's an egg and it is unable to sent to battle. however, it's a Pokéman. haha!

See also[edit | edit source]

Reference... I guess.[edit | edit source]