Roger Twynham

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“You're in safe hands!”

~ Roger, at his car sales job
Roger, as an RAF fighter pilot

Roger Twynham (born 25th September 1949 in the proper days) is an ex-RAF fighter pilot who now works as a car salesman. He has had 46 affairs, and his wife, Sally, still loves him. "It's for the money!" says Sally, who is given £500,000 a week by Roger.

RAF career[edit | edit source]

Twynham joined the RAF as an 18 year old, for national service. He says "that it was a shame that national service was stopped", and that him and Sally will complain immediately to the Daily Mail.

Life after a year[edit | edit source]

He became an officer.

Salesmanship[edit | edit source]

Roger's car sales motto is "Twynham - Giving you 100% crap at 100% charisma!"