Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

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Hey you! As a member of mah mah mahahahaha Sgt. Peppah's Lonely Hearts club band... i i ii am... Lord Fluffypants! Ah, yes! that's it!

For those who can't handle the real truth, the spinners of fake truth at Wikipedia have a thoroughly boring article on Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Sgt. Pepper welcomes you to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! No, florescent military uniforms! Aw shucks! I can't get it right!

How to join Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band[edit | edit source]

Ah! I see you're interested in joining Sgt. Peppah's Lonely Hearts Club Band! Here are the requirements!?!?... wait... question marks?! Oh no! These requirements not be the most accurate! but only John would even care.

  • You must think The Beatles were (Because two are dead and two are old farts) the sexiest men in the history of the universe
  • You must like cheese
  • You must be able to fart
  • You must be a male Wait a minute... first requirement...

If ya fit all these requirements... welcome to the band!

The band![edit | edit source]

When you're in this special band, you're instantly high 24/7. Yay you!

Also... You get:

  • a turtle