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Craptacular is a word used to describe something that is awesome working in co-operation with something that is not awesome, making it a craptacular combination of forces.

The first thing to be craptacular occurred in 2033 when Captain Kitten and Dancing Dog joined forces to create a super hybrid FART (Freakin'-Awesome-Rage-Turtle). They took 50% of the DNA of a nerd, and 50% of the DNA from a turtle. They called it a nerdle, but then changed it to FART after a copyright claim from God. After this, Captain Kitten was so enraged that he ordered the FART to kill anyone it saw. But it didn't have any eyes because it didn't wear glasses, and everyone knows nerds don't have eyes under their glasses. Because of this, it wasn't a super ultra hybrid FART, it was a small green nerd with a shell.

Things that are Craptacular[edit | edit source]