Forum:Problems with ?pedia

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In my lurking around iv noted some things with ?pedia that i think arnt quite how they used to be, or should be:

  • Iv noticed alot of Self Noms on Vote for feature.
  • Our spammer. who appears to be building up about two or three usernames a day, making a userpage for them, then doing nothing. This guy is driving most people round the bend now, we need to flatten him for once.
  • People seem to forget about the chatroom when they come online, admins too, the chatroom is a tool of pwnage we must use for people without admin powers to get an admin to do what they need, except during the wee hours of the morning, there is always an admin there.
  • I know I commented on this in another topic, but we don't have any admins for during the night, we used to have Asema, but he hasnt been active in three months now, and he was "the guy" for the nights at ?pedia. I haven't seen him in two weeks on irc in any network, so i have been unable to ask him if he intends returning to illogi after he has sorted his life out.
  • We are still missing major articles.
  • ?mail, you guys seem to love to write for it, but we don't seem to get the responses myself and Testostereich hoped for.

Now for the Good things, because its not all rain and sorrow:

  • Illogicopedia seems fairly active nowadays. Which is cool, i always love to come on and be able to read your guys edits.
  • Most Admins are working their arse off with what they do. Course, everyone can always try harder, but you guys are doing a sterling job as it is. And all the non admins are doing a great job clearing out what you guys can, keeping sandlism in check :)
  • Articles are improving now again, course, quantity was never a priority anyway, but it does help to make the site bareable.
  • Epics :D

So, how do we got about improving stuff, VFH self-noms are easy, Nom someone elses work insted, or even by a rule of every self-nom must have a counterpart non self-nom. But the rest, im fairly stumped for. We tried blocking the spammer, it doesnt seem to work, we need some sort of rangeblock, but #wikia never has staffers lately, because they dont give us the fundemental tools for lookup. Asema is the sort of thing we need to babble about between us, no one man can decide what we make of him. As for the Vital, stuck for ideas, pop over there, and pick one out. because its the sort of thing that gets us Hits.

so, Well done guys for the good stuff, but the other stuff, that generally isn't anyone's fault, but we can work to improve that stuff.

Any more issues? --Silent Penguin 15:31, 2 Arply 2008 (UTC)

Well, there were some issues I had on my mind, but I forgot. -- Kippers Talk Crap Special & Randumb! 15:40, Apr. 2, 2008

MY thoughts -

  • Self noms - Mosto f us are guilty of this and maybe some kind of policy does need to be brought in, the last few are all self noms.
  • Our spammer - That's reall as you said in need of wikia attention so not much I can do there.
  • IRC - lurk in teh IRK!!!
  • Bring back ASEMA!!! :P
  • Vital articles - maybe hold some kind of beefed up illogiproject for them?

Aside from what seppy said was bad the rest of the site is good. (thumbs up) Testostereich(ballsack) 16:16, 2 Arply 2008 (UTC)

Responses for each of Seppster's points (yeah, too much time on my hands)...
Self noms: still not getting completely out of hand but starting to get annoying. Maybe some warning on the VFH page saying: "Hey you! Yes, you. Please read the other features before self-nomming." Not really policy but a fair warning. If this don't stop the snommers (to coin a phrase) then we enforce strict regulations and employ guards (not really, that was a joke).
The spammer: seems to think this is MySpace. Not the first to do so but I reckon he'll go away.
I have a very good excuse for not using IRC. I get too sucked in once I go on and my time fritters away... not good when the Uni final deadline is three weeks away. Maybe move the sidebar 'chatroom' link to the top of the 'community' section above the podcast and Illogiblog.
Night admins - this is where the other 'new werewolf' topic comes in handy. It might be good to specifically appoint an American/Australian admin to cover another time zone. Otherwise I would say we don't need any more admins. Yet. Asema's done a brilliant job and deserves a break for as long as he feels like it.
Illogicopedia:Vital - this could be fun! Maybe a forum topic or message at the top of the page would be good to promote that.
?Mail: it's fun but hard to think of really good stuff/people to write to.
Apart from that, I agree with Kippers. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:03, 2 Arply 2008 (UTC)