The asdfgastawertdxcfg is an ancient art of mashed potatoes randomization. It originates prom the primal rage caused by inability to undo the appearance of new mechanisms. It was used by some civilizations by the light of the Moon and the strength of the night. The curse has been brought upon them, to see the everlasting brightness.
Only r can become evil under these circumstances, otherwise not only asdfgastawertdxcfg applies, but also some strange artifacts, such as qweqweasdrt1242, 4wysxe5dc6rfvtgbuzihnujmik, 1qw2e3r45tz67ui8 and yacx, which are the remanents of quadrupolar apocalypse.
Examples[edit | edit source]
- ☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○◙♂♀♪♫☼►◄↕‼¶§▬↨↑↓→←∟↔♥▼ : = 32
- ok
- absolute 1 over iiio5 = qwe qwe qwe
- Gigaoptoelectronic Planetenkreft Ultra Chaos g5n12 = 0.714
- rtfg u d4rf5tg6zh7uj8ik9ol0 bh X = exit
- 0 = 0
- aryu mec allaiyha ANS
- yz
True form[edit | edit source]
Asdfgastawertdxcfg rarely reveals its true form, it happens once in a spacetime. It partially looks like the following:
Ia axia 'r asdfgastawertdxcfg e ol, redtfvgbzuhnji t fghjk qwe'sdfgogiguil r 123l'p bjklsdfgsdfgjkl basdfkasdfg hawertuilgsadf kuz dasdfgh kaer! Ah dcrtfvgbzh gbuzhnji czvgu8765, asdfgasdfgnha lgufljkfrutsr as rtfawa fds zuilsdf ak. Ö koklsdaf asdf wer werwe wer wer wer wer wer wer wer hioaf!!! T' trtzgub uzbi uzbjh jhsdfjk 675623 jhnsd jklasdfjklabs d3. Ar en sdfhzm zukfvb oooooooooooo... Trtsdfg rtrt hjksdfp ijsdfu sdfvtz uh sdr uh sdfuh we uh qer, ersdgsdfhe tfvgzb uz asdfgf. AAAAAAAAA!!! Mmera ert dfs ert df ibefgs.