Derwen railway station

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Charles Derwen circa never
For those who can't handle the real truth, the spinners of fake truth at Wikipedia have a thoroughly boring article on Derwen railway station.

The Derwen railway station is a boat station in Whales. It doesn't like it when you look at it like that, so please stop. It was named for Charles Derwen, who hath slain the beast known as [DATA EXPUNGED]. Wait, what? Seriously? We're gonna be like those guys? Come on, people, you're better than this. Anyway, he only slew the non-circular beast because it had lit his boat on ice on two nonconsecutive occasions, and now suddenly HE's the hero of Gear-myc. I cannot properly put into words how mad this makes me. He stole that title! He stole my name! You lying scUmbag! This will not stand! I will not stand! You will not stand! Nobody will stand! I can't believe he betrayed me after what happened all those seconds ago, after all we've been through, back in 18181819, when we journeyed through -- (cut to black).

Regroup[edit | edit source]

Okay, I've calmed down, excited up, and just generally been better about sjinking. Right, right, the station. It's pretty nice. I don't really have much to say about it. It's just your average boat station. It was damaged in the Illogical Revolution of 78910, but not much. I think I saw Jargle Rivers there once... no wait, that's just George Washingmachine juggling pinecones. How sane of me.