Disney Channel
The Disney Channel is clear proof that Disney is evil.
Dinsey was responsible for the extinction of all life west of the mississippi. in a sort of "onceler"-ass event from yknow the fucking uhhh fucking fuck uuhhhh dr seuss book or whatevertheshit. Fairy godmothers all got their asses whooped for that one or whatever. Fucking remember this shit its craaazy man.
Here are some other things (latin readers ONLY):
Tiddy sobum tero glee chops do, and to of the praffity snarko it smorle (Romantic) goofydistnydd do distny do it rop the horlepts? "Le elephanto di engorgo" dismarkulate super big fromules. Caeser big head eat all, argio argum aurum allium argon argiolo are. = colon four
for english readers"
De horblio fobble dompston mi gusta air vent christmas tree. Dubble the thelones homb to the S. Big cheese in dis shit. Fuck. Pluckly miandera psychlon gerlinum bobby sum. Positive reaction.
Nickelodeon[edit | edit source]
Not to be outdone, Nickelodeon launched iCarly.
Not to be outdone, Nickelodeon launched The adventures of praffity dompston and his paralized oaf of a mutt.