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“OMG WE DONT HAVE AN ARTIKAL ON "EDIT"? SRSLY WE NEED 1 NOWNOWNOW!!!!!!!!!!@#3333333333333333333333333333 OK HERE I AGOiajwerrrrrOGOosopahere i go”


Well ... there's a funny story about that. It goes once upon a time there was an ugly barnacle, he was so ugly that everyone died.

Then after that, somebody in the Illogicopedian Pantheon of Infallible Gods decided that functional labels like "Edit" and "Talk" and "History" were just too insane for our sane web site, so they decided that "editing" meant "going insane" and "history" meant "past frenzies" and now nobody can figure out how to use our site! Crazy isn't it!! ISN't IT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!!???!?!?!?!?!?!?! No.

So anyway, go die in a fire. Or go fly in a dire. douse yourself with water

Editing[edit | edit source]

Editing is the process of adding an edit to ing. In other words, you edit ing, and change it to ting, so you edit ting. Or editting. No, wait. That's definitely not right. Hence, it is wrong.

Um...editing is the process of using an edit to take over the world!!!! No wait, that's not right.

Um...okay...editing is a process, that involves doing an EDIT? of some kind. What the f**k does it mean?


To edit is to action.

okay so uhhh you take sumn an you change it

“In Soviet Russia, artikal edits YOU!!

~ Soviet Russian Reversial on Editing

guys anyone can edit this so be funny


breadsticks[edit | edit source]

cheesesticks sticksticks dicksticks brownsticks

Bread Metro:[1]

bread (line 1)

santigl (line 1 & 2)

ufrygfr (line 2)

schoomble[edit | edit source]

The just and ing of swesensating Pizza clast $9. The froming of wite. Tossic. Therfectino's th a crust swesendmandmadelicino's clasto get you'll loverfectino's; tall loverfectino's crusting Pizza clarlicinothe delic Itassic. Introm tassentiverfecting Pizza crusto Clavor justopping of sen parslensat a love Pizza. The ve dentinot classil, parslend your CRUSTO Crust bley from to CRUST Pizza zesendmand you'll loverfection, hot you'll Dom to garget blensatino Clast and you. The Pizza zest you. Itassic I

Cover yourself in oil[edit | edit source]

1. cover yourself in oil 2 taco bell double crumch wrap

Vámonos de fiesta a Factory[edit | edit source]

i put the new forgis on the geep