Forum:Ill-tempered reindeer looking for trouble

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Ill-tempered reindeer have been skulking around the hallowed halls of Illogicopedia, late lights and early mornings, seeking signs of the character Festus. They've been seen on scene and off, laying about on large couches upholstered in narwhal hide and Dutch briarwood, smoking various Sativa strains of marijuana. taking turns playing a version of Russian roulette, where the gun is a cervical adjustment by a chiropractor. They and homeopaths, astrologers, dowsers and a whole shit tonne of charlatans slithered along the outer outer walls of the Great Room of the Brotherhood of Shit And Go Blind lodge, a discreet little McMansion nestled in a pompous New England rural outpost of white privilege. When the smell subsided, the entire town... weoll, in fact, a greater part of the three towns surrounding, were sucked into a pocket universe, parked in a nondescript alley, disguised as a battered 1995 Ford Fiesta.

Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to placate the Atman. Prepare for corn predation, piggybacked on void forages linen objects to monkey logic engines. Stick around and I'll show you some parachutes dipped in ranch dressing.

Well, there go my spleen suppliers. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 05:46, 5 Arche 2019 (UTC)