User talk:Twoandtwoalwaysmakesafive

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Do keep in mind that these times are not rigid and that there might be times when I am miraculously available at an earlier time or still unavailable at a a time in which I am supposed to be.

Victoria and NSW, AU: 12:30 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Eastern Time Zone (U.S.): 8:30 P.M. to 2:00 A.M.
Pacific Time Zone (My time): 5:30 P.M. to 11:00 P.M.
Japan Standard Time: 9:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Victoria and NSW, AU: 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Eastern Time Zone (U.S.): 3:00 P.M. to 2:00 A.M.
Pacific Time Zone (My time): 12:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M.
Japan Standard Time: 2:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.

If you cannot reach me, but there is a vandal that needs banning, here is the list of admins on ?pedia that you could potentially contact. If they are not likely to respond at the moment, you can go to the Illogicopedia IRC chatroom and contact @Isarra, @Seppy, and/or No_one_at_all, and tell them that there is a vandal on the loose while also providing a link that directly leads to the vandal's contributions page.

I get it. This talk page looks freaking boring and generic as hell. I know nothing when it comes to CSS, so in the meantime, phish.

And now, a lovely serenade of mainstream cynicism that is regurgitated incessantly by the mindless masses who ascribe their "legitimate" beliefs to either the opinions of mass media or the opinions of their parents; institutions where critical thinking has a tendency to die.

Every single member of the Democratic Party is a traitor to American values and principles. If you vote Democrat you are just as complicit.
Every single member of the Republican Party is a traitor to American values and principles. If you vote Republican you are just as complicit.
Every single member of both political parties is a traitor to American values and principles. If you vote for either of them you are just as complicit.
Every single non-voter is a traitor to American values and principles. If you vote for nobody you are just as complicit.
Every single member of the Spice Girls is a traitor to American values and principles. If you vote Scary Spice, Sporty Spice, Baby Spice, Ginger Spice, or Posh Spice, you are just as complicit.

Juat another day in the manic sociopolitical landscape of the U.S. of A. Go figure.

And now, some obnoxious screeching.[edit source]

about BlackLivesMatter[edit source]

I made some comments here which I think you might want to take into account and maybe revise the article further to be maybe not exactly what it was but somewhere more inbetween. --Nerd42 (talk) 20:30, 12 Ditzimber 2016 (UTC)

Two bands[edit source]

1st: The Red Hot Chili Peppers. 2nd: Pink Floyd. Which is your favourite album of each? Any other comments? I've already said how I didn't like Dark Side of the Moon. Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 05:57, 12 Farbleum 2017 (UTC)

Anyway, for RHCP I'd say it's a tie between Blood Sugar Sex Magik and Californication. For Pink Floyd... For the sake of not sounding like a basic teenager, I'd have to say Animals. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 06:00, 12 Farbleum 2017 (UTC)
I'd say for me it's a tie between (RHCP) One Hot Minute and By The Way. For Pink Floyd, believe it or not, Obscured by Clouds. Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 09:39, 12 Farbleum 2017 (UTC)

Hey[edit source]

You got deported? --(AMB) (XAR) (BKYE) Sophia, The Resident Uncyclopedia Deity (talk) 18:48, 25 Farbleum 2017 (UTC)

Go fuck yourself. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 20:00, 25 Farbleum 2017 (UTC)
Have you started singing 'Oranges and Lemons' in the street whenever you go out? It's an excellent way to recruit people to your cause. Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 22:50, 7 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Happy Birthday for you![edit source]

Happy birthday for you! Happy birthday for you! Happy birthday for you! Happy birthday for you! Your are a crazy! Happy birthday! Illogico! Illogically? 12:49, 8 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Camaradas... Pena, você podia ser um membro, mas ainda assim podes ser um membro-não-brasileiro, Gruntled é um. Illogico! Illogically? 01:26, 18 Arche 2017 (UTC)
Eu não quis ser descortês, referindo-se a eles como seus camaradas.
Como sobre este: Eu juntei-me a sua liga e você me dá uma posição que seja ainda significativa, mas abaixo do de Gruntled.
As minhas qualificações: falo espanhol, por isso sou capaz de descobrir e compreender a maior parte do português que é falado aqui na Illogicopedia. No entanto, eu provavelmente não teria tempo e dedicação para aprendê-lo totalmente. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 01:46, 18 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Linghsburg or hardline?[edit source]

Your are a crazy! Crazy! Você é louco! Louco! Illogico! Illogically? 00:42, 10 Arche 2017 (UTC)

E seu ponto é? Este é um lugar onde pessoas loucas como você e eu vêm sacrificar cabras para aquela estranha mulher sem-teto na esquina que está sempre gritando sobre aqueles "alemães condenados." 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 04:33, 17 Arche 2017 (UTC)
Haha! Tu fala português! A liga está insatisfeita com poucos membros, um foi banido, outro nos abandonou, e outro era sockpuppet confesso do Louis LOL, novos membros são sempre bem-vindos, até o Gruntled já está na liga, e virou vice-líder! Illogico! Illogically? 14:28, 17 Arche 2017 (UTC)
Não, eu não falo português. Também estou usando um tradutor como você e seus camaradas brasileiros. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 01:16, 18 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Das sache[edit source]

LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 00:50, 16 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Fuck Brazil? Fuck United States of America![edit source]

Maximum two Brazilians? But shamelessly, this is not something to be done! Illogico! Illogically? 13:30, 17 Arche 2017 (UTC)

I had nothing to do with imposing that limit, and unfortunately, I have no idea about who could have possibly imposed the limit either.
As for you bold remark about the United States, I completely agree with you! People with dark skin like me (my family comes from Central America) are slowly becoming discriminated on a more frequent basis because of our damned president and his idiotic supporters, and now it goes beyond skin color and language. We've started to realize that the racism in America is not just because of skin color, but because of how much money we have and our position in society. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 01:59, 18 Arche 2017 (UTC)
Ao menos o presidente do Brasil, Michel Temer, não é igual ao Pato Donald Trump! Uhhh! É pior que o Lula e o PT! Vai Doria! Contamos com você em 2018! Viva o Brasil! Viva a América! Illogico! Illogically? 02:12, 18 Arche 2017 (UTC)
It's not because I'm racist, it's because I don't want low-quality contributions from people who don't understand English and have to use a translator. Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 08:29, 18 Arche 2017 (UTC)
The US legacy of racism is deeply intertwined with all aspects of our society. About 10 years ago, I was in a second hand store buying a cane, and a woman standing next to me reading something in a newspaper that was bothering her, turned and looked me over. Checking to see if I'm Caucasian, I think. She said, "the browning of America". She'd read that by some year before the end of the century, caucasians will be a minority.
I looked her over; a fiftyish woman in well-worn, unstylish clothes who was in my economic bracket. I muttered something contrary, though I can't recall what I said, and we parted ways. I considered that she dreads the thought of being the minority, to lose what some call white privilege, and she saw things eroding in front of her eyes. I think this sort of racism is driven by the fear of losing power, control over one's own circumstances. They see this manifested a belief that somehow the government gives lots of free stuff to immigrants and minoritues, stuff you can't get if you're white.
This kind of wrong-headed thinking is pervasive. Some of it lies buried deeply in many people who live an unexamined life. Of course, it's not so simple as assuming that racist thinking means irredeemable awfulness. Like anything, there are shades of gray. There are some who seem to be really nice folks in all other circumstances, who are not actively racist, who try to get along with everybody, yet know in their hearts that they are superior or entitled. They not be aware of these deeply rooted ideas because of, as I said, an unexamined life.
I try to have compassion for folks like this when I meet them. My hope is they see they can discuss thing calmly even with someone who completely disagrees, that maybe by experiencing compassion rather than my disgust, a little might rub off. Anyway, I guess that's my anti-racist rant for today. Perhaps I'll expound on my fears about health care vis a vis our financial circumstances later. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 11:43, 18 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Crazy Prize of the Year Award![edit source]

Star1.png You were our prize winner, withdraw your prize!

Your medal has come a little dirty, because the machine has a problem, take out the garbage and you will get a good medal! Illogico! Illogically? 20:01, 26 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Voting to save[edit source]

In BB17, it's first elimination day. Use the email shown on the main page to vote to save. Mink. Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 03:32, 31 Arche 2017 (UTC)

You are rocker?[edit source]

Subscribe: First Rock in Rioo! Illogico! Illogically? 22:33, 1 Arply 2017 (UTC)

It's done[edit source]

Come & Join :D

R A D I O H E A D[edit source]

Topic changed to Radiohead in User talk:lol ! come, quick! 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:15, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Aha[edit source]


Ei, eu não quero também. Mas, se você continuar agindo assim, não teremos escolha a não ser proibi-lo. Você sabe, por favor, não vandalize-lo. Isso nos fará mais propensos a bani-lo. Você pode contribuir, não vandalizar. 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:41, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
This user's sordid idea of "contributing" encompasses name-calling and vandalism. He is not to be trusted. We should notify the admins. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 02:45, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Shut your door. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 02:49, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Well... Kaizum werewolfthis user is a werewolf. already noticed. cuz he talked in the unblock things.
...and Another adminthis user is a werewolf.. due to the user page blanking. 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:53, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Você se comporta primeiro. Nós unban depois. Você está fazendo o oposto. Agora todos exceto eu não acredito que você pode ser um bom sujeito. 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:53, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
PORQUE EU CALARIA A "PORTA"? Louis as back! (talk) 02:53, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Porque não vamos permitir mais se você não se comportar. 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:58, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
You're meat. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 02:54, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Eu não quero ser preso pelo Gruntled e ficar em liberdade condicional de novo, desculpa o vandalismo pela segunda vez, me deem uma segunda chance! Louis as back! (talk) 02:56, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Infelizmente, eu não tenho poder, espero que você becames um bom contribuinte Illogicopeida, tentar convencer os outros. Não mais coisas em branco. Você receberá a "SEGUNDA CHANCE". 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
03:00, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Vou abrir minha votação de desbloqueio, quero que me ajudem!!! Louis as back! (talk) 03:02, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
'Segunda chance'? Not going to happen. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 03:04, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Nós não sabemos o futuro. 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
03:07, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Boa. Parece que os usuários pensam que você como "criança temperamental que realmente soprou sua segunda chance há pouco". o que você vai fazer?
  1. Diga a essa pessoa que você não é mais o mesmo Louis
  2. em branco sua página de usuário para mostrar a ele que você não é o mesmo Louis mais
  3. em branco outras páginas para mostrar-lhe que você não é o mesmo Louis mais
  4. escrever algum artigo para mostrar a ele que você não é mais o mesmo Louis
Ouou!! Fui preso de novo! Agora me deram condicional denovo, tive meus direitos cortados! Louis as back! (talk) 05:21, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Oh, eu acho que eles agora são incapazes de tolerar você. Desculpe, mas ... Eu acho que isso é um adeus para você. Se você voltar, eles vão bloqueá-lo novamente. e de novo. e de novo...
Desculpe, eu tentei
Adeus, Louis. 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
06:43, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)

English please. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 00:06, 1 Aym 2017 (UTC)

A hopeful transmission[edit source]


Also, the title of this topic is by the wrong band. So, uh, ...sjink? XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 09:49, 25 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Sadly, the main reason that my request came in positive is because someone ELSE decided it would be a good idea for me to be an admin. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 23:21, 27 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Hey[edit source]

I think I found something that I think you will like. this--| C4T T/-\ |_ |_ Tha DRK (talk) 04:35, 29 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Check plz?[edit source]

YOU GOT MAIL which is a sausageTwoandtwoalwaysmakesafive at... Forum:ICTTD.

well, sorry for sausage. just... plz chack this. thanks. 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
11:49, 29 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Thanks[edit source]

For fixing all those vandalized articles. You are indeed a superior bat gorilla. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 00:05, 1 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Not the first time I've had to clean up a massive vandal mess in Aisle RC, and it will certainly not be the last. Most interestingly, however, is the fact that I usually tend to be more active when vandals are out and abou- oh, wait. I get emails when a page has been changed. Um. Still. Vandals. Yeah. No.
Nose the cheese. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 00:11, 1 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Illogicopedia:The IllogiPost/7[edit source]

You used = in the {{Post}} template. that's why the Babble bug occurred!

(Default value of text variable is Babble. 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:21, 1 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Wow[edit source]

He was determined. He really spent a good few hours ripping up pages. Monkey-butler.jpg Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 17:37, 18 Jumbly 2017 (UTC)

I need admin rights. Been around long enough. Monkey-butler.jpg Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 18:36, 18 Jumbly 2017 (UTC)
Incompetent or asleep? :O XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 22:18, 18 Jumbly 2017 (UTC)

Ban Ivo2![edit source]

Ban Him, Twoandtwoalwaysmakesafive! >:( --(AMB) (XAR) (BKYE) Sophia, The Resident Uncyclopedia Deity (talk) 20:34, 19 Jumbly 2017 (UTC)

2+2 is not an admin. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 23:46, 19 Jumbly 2017 (UTC)

Hey,[edit source]

Just to say, I am not ivo--I cat taII the dark2 (talk) 00:01, 23 Jumbly 2017 (UTC)


If you're just trying to add more pages to your watchlist, you can just click the star in the upper right corner of the page. It seems you're also making useful edits, so carry on. CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 03:28, 9 Ergust 2017 (UTC)

Can you help me?[edit source]

How do you play Pokemon? I haven't got it yet, so I don't know anything about Pokemon.-- 08:23, 17 Ergust 2017 (UTC)

Regarding the late unpleasantness[edit source]

So someone came on IRC shouting that there had been a vandal spree, and I, looking at today's changes and thinking "Pfff this Twoandtwo guy must be bored", promptly infinibanned you and reverted your edits. I is smart bot.

Then I saw yesterday's edits, wondered why I couldn't roll them back, and saw that the actual vandal was from yesterday and that I'd just banned the person who cleaned them up. And reverted all their cleanup. I is smart bot.

Anyway, the real ivobandit is banned now and you are not, and all pages are back as they were (I hope). Let me know if I've screwed anything else up. I am now off to drink. Blottobot (talk) 01:00, 3 Octodest 2017 (UTC)

Hey[edit source]

I accidentally clicked off so you'll need to rejoin danny!Text 05:40, 10 Octodest 2017 (UTC)

Gnarled Knurled Knob Mishegas[edit source]

Thanks for rekaizuming all of those articles. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 16:25, 26 Octodest 2017 (UTC)

Progress Report[edit source]

Despite being a cheap bastard, I forked over thirty bucks for an online course on how to produce music with LogicPro with professional level quality. So far, I’ve learned more about how a channel strip works. I’m pretty confident about the outcome.

A question for you; are you working towards producing yourself? Is there anything I can do to help you? LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 14:57, 27 Octodest 2017 (UTC)

I do not envision myself working with production in the near future, unfortunately, but I appreciate the offer. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 19:41, 28 Octodest 2017 (UTC)
Also, 2+2=5, thanks for za advice on za music. Gruntled
Bought an online course to learn more about Logic Pro, my DAW. It’s pretty good, and I’ve been learning the grosser points on mixing, something I didn’t do on my published music. A mistake, perhaps? Another cool thing... my son bought me Komplete by Native Instruments last Christmas, the entry level version . The Select version, a collection of some cool software for engineering and some instruments, most notably a West African collection with software to assemble rhythms and/or melodies. It’s like directing a group of musicians. There are two upgrades, $400 and $600. So, I caught wind of a 50% off sale, and my wife insisted I get the next upgrade version as an early Christmas present. It’s got session horns, strings, guitars and pianos, a bunch of synths and plug ins and a group of Indian instruments with a sequencer, like the West African package. It also has a tool which supposedly makes going from a good mix to a good master very easy.
On the downside, my hearing is probably good for 59 years old, but I’ve certainly lost some. I fear I may miss small problems in mixing or something. I will probably be able to get some help there, so it should be a minor problem. I don’t know anyone connected to music, but my granddaughters know some performers I expect to meet. My health prevents me from getting out for more than groceries and some shopping, so getting out to venues and to meet people is out unless I can improve my situation. Despite some obstacles, however, I am really excited that I have these opportunities and resources to work with. I will let you know as I remix my work and better, newer stuff becomes available. Cheers. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 10:24, 16 Novelniver 2017 (UTC)

Hey 2+2=5[edit source]

The wanker has just vandalised with his ip, I've already undone his edits but plz block him? danny!Text 21:31, 6 Novelniver 2017 (UTC)

Oh That person you keep pinging has already done it. danny!Text 21:34, 6 Novelniver 2017 (UTC)
I changed its block status. Sorry I was not here earlier, as I barely got a hold of a computer after receiving the email of an edit made on this talk page. Good work though! 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 23:28, 6 Novelniver 2017 (UTC)

za wanker[edit source]

He has done it again. danny!Text 20:28, 15 Novelniver 2017 (UTC)
Try to keep my hours and the other info that I have provided at the very top of this page in mind. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 22:34, 15 Novelniver 2017 (UTC)

Deleting stuff[edit source]

Thanks for cleaning up the articles. I can see that it was a lot of stuff. —Marzipan (talk) 08:44, 8 Ditzimber 2017 (UTC)

Leonidshok‎[edit source]

Most active admin (currently), I think Leonidshok‎ might be an ICTTD sock. I put a qd tag on his article John the water raft, and he removed it and added two more lines, which did not make the article any less pointless. ICTTD (I think it was under the Danny account) did something similar once. Also, that link on his user page seems suspicious. CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 03:59, 12 Ditzimber 2017 (UTC)

The fiery meme guy[edit source]

I saw your summary on one of the logs. I think most of Fiery Meme's articles are ok. That probably didn't actually answer your question, but I don't have anything else to add at this point. CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 04:02, 26 Ditzimber 2017 (UTC)

No it didn't but lets be honest, it was a useless article anyway. Fiery Meme (talk) 19:17, 26 Ditzimber 2017 (UTC)

Help.[edit source]

A guy (Leonidshok) keeps messing with my articles, copying my stuff, and doing stuff to my user/talk page and now (don't know if their responsible or not) I can't access my User/Talk page.

At the very least please fix it so I can access my Talk page.

Thanks, Fiery Meme (talk) 05:14, 30 Ditzimber 2017 (UTC)

Oh and he removed a Quick Deletion thingy I put on a one sentence article, then just added another sentence. Fiery Meme (talk) 05:18, 30 Ditzimber 2017 (UTC)

?[edit source]

Who da hell is josh? Saw in one of your edit summary’s. 06:49, 31 Ditzimber 2017 (UTC)

He Is was the only sane person in the universe Fiery Meme (talk) 14:49, 31 Ditzimber 2017 (UTC)

A blanker (Best name I could come up with) is on the loose[edit source]

There is an ip ( who is going around blanking pages, and says that "He/She will destroy all of illogicopedia." Please stop this ------------- er... guy. Fiery Meme (talk) 18:12, 3 Jeremy 2018 (UTC) I undoed... undoed? undid? um... I used the undo thing on the articles he/she hit but that will likely not stop them. Fiery Meme (talk) 18:18, 3 Jeremy 2018 (UTC)

Wear it down through a war of attrition. That was Napoleon's strategy when he invaded Antarctica in 411 BC. CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 23:52, 3 Jeremy 2018 (UTC)

Ok then... time to attack the pacific ocean. Fiery Meme (talk) 01:09, 4 Jeremy 2018 (UTC)

Regarding Freezing mop me me[edit source]

No, this is not me or my "sockpuppet". As for the username as long as they don't do anything wrong or anything against me I have no problem with them keeping their username as-is. Fiery Meme (talk) 03:01, 18 Jeremy 2018 (UTC)

Having my doubts about the meme master[edit source]

Starting to wonder: is he also a sock? He behaves like some users that I will not name. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 22:25, 30 Jeremy 2018 (UTC)

Something I just realised[edit source]

User:1337yB1rd is inactive, because he joined the alt-right. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 22:01, 15 Arche 2018 (UTC)

Hello[edit source]

Who are you? Illogico! Illogically? 05:08, 2 Arply 2018 (UTC)

He's Pete Townshend. CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 11:12, 2 Arply 2018 (UTC)
ohwowok you couldn't have at least called me Devin Townsend!? Anyway, here come pancake batter days amidst the haze. Maze. Raze. Faze. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 18:42, 2 Arply 2018 (UTC)
Ya gotta admit, it still beats Cindy Lou Who. Indeed, it is pancake worthy. CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 01:05, 3 Arply 2018 (UTC)
Pancake. Fake. Sake. Rake. Lake. Makes the stake look like a steak. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 04:54, 3 Arply 2018 (UTC)

Megavandal?[edit source]

Japanese user needs a Chinese burn.

User:加賀山匠 is all over the place throwing pure vandalism on pages and has created a pile of socks.

Is this a result of dropping a link on a Japanese wiki? Have we accidentally scuttled the ship? Snarglefoop (talk) 15:30, 17 Aym 2018 (UTC)

  • And by the way one of the socks created is named "Programmerio" in Japanese. So..... looks like "Programmerio" in English may be another rat that slipped on board when the ship stopped to pick up a load of breadfruit. Lessee what else Google Translate has to say about the load of comfortable shoe liners....
加賀山匠 ... Kagayamasmith
プログラマリオ .... Programmerio
灌漑水路 .... Irrigation canal
ウラジミール・レーニン ... Vladimir Lenin
ブログラマリオ ... Blog La Mario
字ダイレクト ... Direct
サイクロン皇帝 ... Emperor cyclone
Yes, Snarglefoop, this is indeed a result of dropping a link on the Japanese wiki. I just hope that they don't come in waves because it could jeopardize the prospects of making Usopedia a sister wiki. If this becomes a bigger problem, we'll have to inform the pioneer. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 18:11, 17 Aym 2018 (UTC)
Ah, this guy seems to be a known interwiki vandal in Japan (who is also active on Wikipedia, Uncyclopedia, etc.), and his/her intention is surely to disrupt the relationship between Usopedia and Illogicopedia. I know this guy also appeared in English Uncyclopedia in the past, before I have joined English Uncyclopedia, so might be an international vandal anyway.
And here's a piece of advice dealing with him/her. Blocking IPs using CheckUser might work on him/her (which worked on Usopedia and several other sites).--The Pioneer (talk) 14:38, 18 Aym 2018 (UTC)
I am aware of blocking IP addresses and ranges because I have been doing that extensively for the past 3 months, though I do not have CheckUser rights. Only the bureaucrats, our bot, and our sysadmin have those rights, but they have been dormant this month.
If you can give me the IP addresses used by this "international vandal" (we've had one before), I can check if he/she is using a proxy network or Tor. If not, then that means that I can perform an IP range block on any shared group of IP addresses used by this vandal.
As for Usopedia, the most we can do is wait for a response from our sysadmin. She must be very busy, since she's also an important member of MediaWiki. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 17:15, 18 Aym 2018 (UTC)
OK, here are some known IPs and ranges (not a known proxy/tor/VPN according to my research).
Thanks again for your advice for Usopedia.--The Pioneer (talk) 06:11, 19 Aym 2018 (UTC)

Someone put up a mainspace page named after you on Uncyclopedia[edit source]

But they left it blank so I put stuff on it.

Thought you might be amused. (Maybe.) 2+2=5 Snarglefoop (talk) 20:05, 30 Aym 2018 (UTC)

We've picked up another vandal.[edit source]

User ウソつき == "Lied". First edit was to bracket a page with <nowiki> ... </nowiki> tags. Snarglefoop (talk) 09:22, 3 Yoon 2018 (UTC)

It actually means "Liar", and is a spoofed account of an active user on Usopedia. Technically speaking, there is a way to stop bracketing pages with <nowiki> tags using the Abusefilter, and I can help you guys, if necessary.--The Pioneer (talk) 09:29, 3 Yoon 2018 (UTC)
And I guess I know a way to prevent non-English spam posts like this.--The Pioneer (talk) 09:33, 3 Yoon 2018 (UTC)
Detecting foreign language spam and preventing it sounds useful. A major fraction of the vandalism we get is robospam and blocking it robotically sounds like a Good Plan. OTOH since Liar is presumably a human jerk, wouldn't he (I assume it's a 'he') just do something else if we blocked 'nowiki' additions? (For that matter, why is that such a popular way to vandalize pages? I've never understood what the attraction is.) Snarglefoop (talk) 17:18, 3 Yoon 2018 (UTC)
OH wait -- I'm stupiding. I just remembered how abuse filters work -- I got bitten by one when I first started editing here, and something I did tripped it. It blocks the victim who trips it, right? For 'nowiki' that might be useful, as long as it still allows 'nowiki' embedded in a larger edit. Foreign language, tho, I'm not so sure -- that's what I hit way back when. On a wiki where nonsense is the order of the day it's possible for a legitimate user to trigger that check, unless it's tuned to be relatively insensitive (like, you need a lot of non-English text and nothing else, perhaps). Snarglefoop (talk) 17:28, 3 Yoon 2018 (UTC)
1. Blocking is only ONE of the options. You can just warn or disallow (and block them after checking out the log) if you wish. You can also make exceptions (which we do in the article English and for Cg098 in Usopedia) using past actions, or/and test it before implementing to prevent blocking by mistake.
2. Vandals from Japan usually have their own patterns of actions.Though we still can't block all of their actions, we can prevent MOST of them even if they change its patterns.--The Pioneer (talk) 11:17, 4 Yoon 2018 (UTC)
P.S. As a matter of fact, I guess it's more difficult to create a filter for non-English posts than to create one for non-Japanese (which we have in Usopedia and currently 100% accurate), because the way I did it was to detect features in Japanese and disallow edits without any of such features (so it was a reverse-whitelisting: you know, some of the Japanese Characters are used only in Japanese, and at the same time commonly seen in natural Japanese sentences), but it seems that this way won't work for English, as it shares the same characters with dozens of other languages (word listing of the most frequently used vocabulary might work, but still needs testiing).--The Pioneer (talk) 11:31, 4 Yoon 2018 (UTC)
P.P.S. For spams including that of English, creating a filter that disallows creation of pages without Categories might work (as typically, they don't add cats). To prevent blocking by mistake, just make it "disallow" (without blocking) and show a warning message to add categories (mainly for beginners) (still, an exception list of templates that add categories is necessary, as those templates are often used without wikitext showing links of categories).--The Pioneer (talk) 14:14, 5 Yoon 2018 (UTC)

Does this abuse filter have anything to do with CHICKEN? I've tripped that wire a couple times in my day. CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 00:48, 4 Yoon 2018 (UTC)

I don't think so. As far as I know, tags aren't included in the variables for the filter. This might also help.--The Pioneer (talk) 11:17, 4 Yoon 2018 (UTC)

ARRRGH the marching hordes are here -- an army of zombies is breaking down the door[edit source]

We're getting hair spam from all over the world. I pulled the last day's worth of IP spammers from recent changes, and ran whois on it. Here are some of the relevant fields grepped out from what I got:

ownerid:     EC-ANSA-LACNIC
address:     9 de Octubre N24-113, 113, Luis Cordero. Edif Droira. 7mo Piso
address:     170524 - Quito - PICHINCHA
owner-c:     EVG8
address:     9 de Octubre y Luis Cordero, 24, 113
address:     3110 - Quito - Pi
address:        The First JSC
address:        Office 2, 34a, Raduzhny m-r
address:        664017
address:        Irkutsk
address:        Russian Federation
owner:       Amnet Datos El Salvador
ownerid:     SV-ADES-LACNIC
address:     Calle Antigua a Huizucar y Calle San Nicolas Urbanizacion Cima II Edificio TIGO, 0, 0
address:     0 - San Salvador - 
owner-c:     ADS4
address:     Residencial Altos de la Cima 2 calle San Nicolas y Calle a Huizucar, 1, Edificio Tigo., 0, 0
address:     0 - San Salvador - 
address:        Degtyarevskaya, 53
address:        Kiev, Ukraine
address:        Quantum Communications
address:        21 n.r. Smolenka
address:        Saint-Petersburg
address:        Corkstraat 46
address:        3047 AC Rotterdam
address:        The Netherlands
address:        OVH BV
address:        Corkstraat 46
address:        3047 AC Rotterdam
address:        The Netherlands
address:        JSC UKRTELECOM
address:        18, Shevchenko blvd
address:        Ukraine, Kiev
address:        #93, Preah Sihanouk Blvd
address:        Phnom Penh
address:        #93, Preah Sihanouk Blvd
address:        #93, Preah Sihanouk Blvd, Phnom Penh

Oh yeah I forgot to sign this. Snarglefoop (talk) 17:55, 8 Yoon 2018 (UTC)

Is there an option we could turn on which would require any IP editor to go through a captcha the first time they save in a session? Just wondering.... Snarglefoop (talk) 17:55, 8 Yoon 2018 (UTC)
Perhaps we can do it, Snarglefoop. But, I think only sysadmins or bureaucrats could do that. Might have to bring it up with them. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 00:28, 23 Yoon 2018 (UTC)
We've got one or two real editors who have been editing from IPv6 addresses so blocking IP edits would be kind of very not-nice. (I still don't understand how somebody edits Illogicopedia from a toaster oven, which is the sort of thing most IPv6 addresses supposedly are, but some people are just astonishingly resourceful, I guess.) Snarglefoop (talk) 17:59, 8 Yoon 2018 (UTC)
We can temporarily block anonymous IP edits. It's just a sacrifice to be made. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 00:28, 23 Yoon 2018 (UTC)
If you look at Special:ListGroupRights, the skipcaptcha right is given to autoconfirmed users but not all users. What you want is for it to be given to all users and for the captcha to trigger on any edit. That's as much as I know. 2+2 can't do anything about this -- it's buried in the software somewhere.  Flyingcat (meow?)fr: 19:51, 8 Yoon 2018 (UTC)
...wut. I think we only want CAPTCHAs for anon IPs only. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 00:28, 23 Yoon 2018 (UTC)
I thought he might at least be able to help with the panic and hand-wringing. A typical bot army supposedly contains something between 10,000 and 100,000 zombie computers. If these hair people decided to put us in their crosshairs we'd never be able to dig out from under the mess -- it would be either restore from backup or give up and go home. ('Course I don't know why they'd want to do that (why would they hate us so?), but OTOH if a retarded computer program is directing the zombie hordes, I could easily imagine a glitch could make it decide to spam-DOS us.) Snarglefoop (talk) 20:06, 8 Yoon 2018 (UTC)
All of the anonymous perpetrators have been taken care of... For now. As for why they hate us: they are lifeless and mindless entities whose only function is to propagate spam indefinitely. Do not hold them in any regard other than in contempt and admonishment. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 00:28, 23 Yoon 2018 (UTC)
Another one reared its ugly head:
netname: LV-DATA-20010906 org-name: SIA "" address: Krustpils 12 address: LV-1073 address: Riga address: LATVIA address: SIA "Datagrupa 777" address: Merkela 6/2 - 21 address: Riga, LV-1050 address: Latvia
One thing I know about them is that range blocks won't work well. However, as I have mentioned above, disallowing creation of pages without categories (and templates that add categories) using the AbuseFilter will work well (and that's something 2+2 can do).--The Pioneer (talk) 07:29, 9 Yoon 2018 (UTC)
Yes, range blocks don't work well... on spambots. On real human vandals, however, it works well. As for the categories thing: maybe. Not all of my pages are categorized. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 00:28, 23 Yoon 2018 (UTC)
Well, even human vandals might find a way through (such as VPN gate / Open VPN), but in general, I guess you're right about them (as the situations are similar in Usopedia). I guess user pages can be one of the exceptions of the filter (as they tend to post on the main namespace, and mainspace articles are usually categorized).--The Pioneer (A.K.A. かいたくしゃ) 08:09, 23 Yoon 2018 (UTC)(modded sig)--The Pioneer (A.K.A. かいたくしゃ) 13:32, 23 Yoon 2018 (UTC)

Supernerdess[edit source]

I'm not sure why you consider this person to be a sockpuppet. Is it because they switched accounts twice, or do you think they're a sock of someone else? I'm allowed to ask, right? You never know...  Flyingcat (meow?)fr: 02:09, 27 Yoon 2018 (UTC)

More spam -- are you there?[edit source]

There's been more spam today and yesterday, and nobody seems to be around to clear it out. I've tagged the pages. I've got a better idea for an abuse filter, by the way. These spam pages always seem to use <br> tags instead of newlines to break up paragraphs, often two of them in a row, so we could block non-autoconfirmed users from creating pages with the string <br> or maybe just <br><br>. Of course there should be a clear warning message to go along with it in case somebody legitimate uses that kind of markup.  Flyingcat (meow?)fr: 19:58, 29 Yoon 2018 (UTC)

Hello[edit source]

Can you please deal with all this hairy spam? Freezing me me (talk) 11:51, 30 Yoon 2018 (UTC)

Yes, please! How dare you have a life. We need you.  Flyingcat (meow?)fr: 23:54, 30 Yoon 2018 (UTC)

Hi, I'm bothering you again[edit source]

Forum:We need an abuse filter. Somebody with the appropriate rights needs to see this.  Flyingcat (meow?)fr: 01:17, 2 Jumbly 2018 (UTC)

You're not mincing words?[edit source]

Which is a shame, because I enjoy minced words for lunch, preferably with mayonnaise. Anyway, I meant 2/7 in the non-American date format. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 03:05, 10 Jumbly 2018 (UTC)

Element templates[edit source]

I don't mean to bother you, but I notice a lot of these were created by Flyingidiot rather than Lol. Should they really be deleted at Lol's request?  Flyingcat (meow?)fr: 04:35, 13 Jumbly 2018 (UTC)

Tungsten and Nitrogen look pretty bad now. Most of the other element pages look okay if you keep the navbox closed, but I still think all the templates should be undeleted. CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 01:54, 26 Jumbly 2018 (UTC)

Why not you and XY007 run for bureaucrats?[edit source]

Hi, I would like to nominate you and XY007 as bureaucrats, because you two are both working well as active admins, and all the current bureaucrats hardly appear on Illogicopedia, which is causing several problems (like interwiki links to Usopedia, making Flyingcat an admin, etc.). Thus, I'm here to confirm whether you have the will to run if nominated. Thanks for reading.--The Pioneer (A.K.A. かいたくしゃ) 20:29, 27 Jumbly 2018 (UTC)

Hey![edit source]

Are you an administrator too? How many wolves on this wiki! Illogico! Illogically? 01:48, 2 Ergust 2018 (UTC)

I've been an admin since late 2017, kiddo. I never would've taken you for the slow type, now. Try to be more attentive! 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 02:24, 2 Ergust 2018 (UTC)
And I was a little absent in that time and I'm confused when I see the green color Illogico! Illogically? 03:50, 2 Ergust 2018 (UTC)

‎GppDUE2p1cM[edit source]

I know there's been a ton of spam, but I think this is a real person. All they did was upload an image and add it to an article. Mind if I unblock?  Flyingcat (meow?)fr: 06:12, 4 Serpeniver 2018 (UTC)

the CUM god[edit source]

why did you delete the CUM god? it was my best work, a piece of sublime genius. who else could fit 33 maltesers inside their dickhole??? -- Nothinggetspastyou (talk) 06:22, 4 Octodest 2018 (UTC)

Cum is a Latin word. The Supreme Leader XY --- sacrifices and capitalism 02:27, 7 Octodest 2018 (UTC)

Abuse filter 8[edit source]

Hi, I didn't hear back from you about that, so I went ahead and changed the filter. I have removed the rate limit and restricted it to mainspace and non-autoconfirmed users. This should put a permanent stop to the blankers. We had one earlier. I had to use the undo link on the edits Cg098 didn't roll back because rollback gave an internal error. They haven't been active for quite a while, but if I see them come back I'll do something. It was more than just blanking, unfortunately.

Also, I see your talk page is fully protected. Are you sure about that? It seems... odd.  Flyingcat (meow?)fr: 15:58, 22 Farbleum 2019 (UTC)

Damn it. This is what happens when I slowly transition into adult life...
I'm sorry I couldn't get back to you on the abuse filter. I've had to do all sorts of right-when-you-turn-18 stuff as of late, alongside all sorts of education nonsense. Thank you so much for making the necessary adjustments to the filter, though.
My talk page was vandalized incessantly in the past, so that's why it's protected, Flyingcat. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 01:30, 25 Farbleum 2019 (UTC)
I understand. Adult stuff is hard. I saw your protection reason, but I'd have expected it to be semiprotection rather than full. However, I've discovered that there's no autoconfirmed threshold, and you were getting attacked from accounts, so semi wouldn't stop it.  Flyingcat (meow?)fr: 17:27, 25 Farbleum 2019 (UTC)

wait, i need a subject line?[edit source]

i'm back finally. have you started college? you've been pretty active recently. ✩80gallonsofgasriver talkcontribs

College is liberation. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 02:47, 30 Serpeniver 2019 (UTC)

Hahahaha![edit source]

I can easily escape the block, because my Puffin IP address always changes! Haha! You can’t beat me! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 22:30, 6 Serpeniver 2019 (UTC)

Hey[edit source]

Can you add the following regex to MediaWiki:Titleblacklist: .*'{2,}.* <errmsg=titleblacklist-multiple-apostrophes>? Thanks! Revi 21:12, 7 Serpeniver 2019 (UTC)

Quick Deletion and Requests for Block[edit source]

Have you checked the QD/Requests for block category? There's a lot of spam to delete and IPs to Chinese Burn. (just a friendly reminder) senny 🂾 talk ִ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 13:03, 19 Ditzimber 2019 (UTC)

Progress pleases the Duck[edit source]

Since I couldn't email you, I had to come to your talk page. There's 32 IP vandulls to be blocked, and 55 things in the QD category. In other news, did I tell you Isarra ran in WP's ArbCom election? (I totally voted for Isarra. Sadly, they didn't win though. Sigh...) senny 🂾 talk ִ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 14:48, 28 Jeremy 2020 (UTC)

Foals[edit source]

Henlo fren. Foals is feature. You can put {{Gold Star|Stars=1|message= [[Foals]]}} on userpage. CG098 (talk ☼‎ contribs) 23:03, 14 Arche 2021 (UTC)

About what happened today[edit source]

I think we should make a bot to prevent stuff like this from happening again Shoebox appreciator (talk) 00:05, 1 Ergust 2022 (UTC)
Care to elaborate on that, Shoebox? CG098 (talk ☼‎ contribs) 14:07, 1 Ergust 2022 (UTC)

Gladly there was huge vandal attack on wackypedia The one that isn’t owned by Miraheze that vandal also has an account here Shoebox appreciator (talk) 16:33, 5 Ergust 2022 (UTC)

Figures. We already knew this chick was a cross-wiki vandal. CG098 (talk ☼‎ contribs) 17:09, 5 Ergust 2022 (UTC)

Oh my god... It's boring[edit source]

What can I do here Tails6000D (T | C | E) 00:23, 18 Novelniver 2022 (UTC)