Forum:In pursuit of the moose with the feathered hat
Actually, it's a woman in a feathered hat. I'm actually just doing this to give the appearance that there is activity on our wiki. It's very dear and precious to me. I worry that it may some day be the last bastion of fact-based journalism. One of our users here has said what we've all been thinking for years: there has been an appalling dearth of moose meat in the larder. Oh sure, we've got tons of Belching Hyena marinating, but even with curing and marinade, it's far from delicious. Frunobulax likes it, but she's a dog, so...
Issues like this, plans to build a Lolligaggery, tapping IBM WATSON as a resource to analyze cutting-edge illogic, deciding which football is the real football, writing long sentences listing stuff, soliciting donations to promote a fabricated religion, registering as a political party in as many countries as possible, making a list of phrases to put on clothing, collecting the million dollar prize offered by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry for verifiable proof of a psychic phenomenon, taking night courses in levitation and it puts the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again. (kaizum me)
02:51, 21 Farbleum 2017 (UTC)
- I completely agree. In this world of 1984-esque 'alternative facts', we will continue with truth for longer than anyone else. We have a mission.
Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 11pm+, 24 Feb <AEDT>