Forum:It snowed today

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Today was the first snow of the year in my home town. I love snow. I sat at the window and watched it fall. I listened to some awesome music as I did so. My breath clouded the window. The cloud was shaped like happiness. The music was amazing. The snow was amazing. It was surreal and awesome. Then I wrote a forum post about it. The end. Good story, eh? --THE 22:03, 7 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)

Yea, good story. Where I live the first snow was before Halloween. --Elassint 23:31, 7 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
It was eighty degrees where I live. Aka San Deigo. ~ 01:04, 8 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
It is 80 degrees where I live. eg. Florida. --T3
Rained here, oh well, and it's frickin nippy--Seppy 20:36, 13 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
However, today it was raining as well. ~ 20:53, 13 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
The 'big snow' a couple of weeks ago made me have to walk two and a half miles to school. Good part: I missed a whole english lesson!--Ben Blade 21:38, 13 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)